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Isaiah 40 Video and Advent Resources Video: Share Them!

With Thanksgiving from

Here are two short video presentations we created for Advent
that you are welcome to download and share with church members, families, and friends.

Video 1: Isaiah 40:3-5 "Prepare the Way"

A warm and inspiring visual presentation of Isaiah's famous words for challenging times.

Use it in worship, or email/post it to members with your own follow-up devotional questions, such as,

  • What are some of the "valleys" and "rough places" facing you this year and what can you do to "fill them in" (eliminate or get around them) so you can stay focused on the true meaning of the season?
  • List what your church, family, and you as an individual are doing this Advent to help prepare, clear, make, and travel the way of Jesus.

View and download the MP4 videoShare its YouTube link

Video 2: Favorite At-Home Advent Celebrations and Devotions

As Christian educators, we're always encouraging at-home teaching. This year that desire takes on more importance as pandemic closings and restrictions will curtail many traditional activities that we depend on to celebrate the season. That's why we pulled together this "highlight reel" of some of our favorite at-home free Advent resources at

View and share the page and video

With Thanksgiving for you from all of us,

Amy, Carol, Luanne, Cathy, Robin, Beth, and Ron
Your Volunteer Board of Directors at


Images (5)
  • Isaiah40Presentation2
  • AdventResourceVideo
  • GTprofile2020
  • GTprofile2020
  • Wormy-Videos
Videos (2)
"The.Journey" an Isaiah 40 Video (mp4)
Advent Presentation Video (3)
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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