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The Armor of God

Science Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:
Children will understand the real, yet intangible (spiritual) nature of Satan’s attacks.  Children will demonstrate how the armor of God protects the Christian from Satan’s attacks.


  • Armor of God Poster
  • Bibles (one per student)
  • Throw & Tell Ball
  • lab coats (optional)

Balloon Experiments

  • Funnel
  • 3 Balloons
  • Straight Pin
  • Candle (including Candle Holder)
  • Lighter
  • Tape
  • Basin & Towel
  • Water (enough to fill one balloon, divided into the 7 cups)
  • 7 cups (labeled: Belt of Truth; Breastplate of Righteousness; Gospel of Peace; Shield of Faith; Helmet of Salvation; Sword of the Spirit; Prayer in the Spirit)

Cornstarch Experiment

  • Cups (at least 8 ounce, one per student, filled with ¼ cup water)
  • Cups (at least 4 ounce, one per student, filled with ¼ cup cornstarch)
  • Extra cornstarch (1-2 cups, as needed for correct consistency)
  • Extra water (1-2 cups, as needed for correct consistency)
  • Plastic spoons (one per student)
  • Paper plates (heavy duty, one per student)

Advance Preparation Requirements

  • Read scripture.
  • Gather materials.
  • Do all experiments yourself prior to class so your comfortable with working with the balloons and with the corn starch experiment.
  • Set out all supplies on your worktable.
  • Have the towel laid out with a basin on top for when you need to break the water filled balloon.

Lesson Plan

[Introduce yourself to children as they enter. Using the “Throw & Tell Ball,” spend about 5 minutes “getting to know” the kids to allow time for those who are coming in late.]

Welcome! I’m ___________, Director of Research and Technology. I’m glad you found your way into my Lab!

Today we are learning about Armor. The Army manual, you might know it by it’s civilian name, the Bible, describes a magnificent set of Armor in Ephesians 6:10-18. Who can tell me the different pieces of the Armor of God? [The first week or two you may not get a response, but in later weeks, the children should be able to name at least SEVERAL of the pieces. Read the passage and refer them to the Armor of God poster if needed.]

That was very good, but let’s open our manuals anyway. [Pass out Bibles and have children turn to Ephesians 6:10-18.]


Balloon Experiment #1
Armor is such a misunderstood thing. I’ve spent quite some time experimenting with protective armor lately. Would you like to help me conduct an experiment or two? (YES!)

Great! Who can blow up this balloon for me? [While volunteer is blowing it up, light a candle.]

Now, someone read me vs. 10-13 of this section of the Manual. [Be prepared to read it yourself.]

Now this balloon, [hold it up] it is just full of air. It has no protection. When the Devil gets close [hold balloon near flame – it will quickly burst], it can’t stand up to him!  (Alternately: Evil can destroy.)


Balloon Experiment #2
But what if we give our dear fellow [hold up second balloon] some protection? [Use funnel to fill balloon with water from the cups that you have labeled as parts of the Armor of God: Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, etc. as you go. Tie balloon and go back to flame.]

When we give this little soldier some protection, he can withstand the flame! [Hold balloon over flame – it will not burst.]   Why? Water is a great absorber of heat. Rather than burning the balloon rubber, the heat from the flame is absorbed by the water inside the balloon. In the same way, truth, righteousness, peace, faith and salvation protect US.

Now let's pop this balloon with this pin!  POW!  The water didn't help, did it. This balloon needed a SHIELD just like we do.

Balloon Experiment #3
Blow up another balloon, and this time, put a piece of TAPE on the balloon, now slowly stick the pin into the tape. The balloon will not burst. The tape STRENGTHENS the weak balloon around it. How does God's armor act like a shield to our faith?]

Now let’s read the next part of the Manual, verses 14-18.

Cornstarch Experiment
I would like you soldiers to help me with one more experiment. This is some pretty fancy technology. What we will make is a lot like this Armor of God. You see, in some ways it is very real. Satan’s attacks are real, and he is very powerful, so we need very real, very powerful weapons against him. [Pass out cornstarch.] This powder is real and tangible. You can touch it and feel it. Like the attacks of Satan are real.

But our battle is not a physical battle, it is spiritual, which is hard to define and pin down. [Pass out the cups of water.] This water is like the spiritual realm. You can feel it, but it can’t be felt like a solid, it is a liquid, so it has no definition on its own. It takes the shape of whatever it is in.

Now, slowly pour the powder into your water. [Pass out spoons.] Mix this and add more until it has the consistency of honey or pancake batter. [Allow time for mixing. Be prepared to offer more cornstarch or water as needed.]

[Pass out plates.] Now pour some of the mixture onto your plate. It pours like a liquid, right? Now, pick some up in your hand and squeeze it. It feels like a solid, right? But once you stop squeezing, it acts like a liquid again.

This goop can help us remember that although it is a very real fight, and we can definitely feel it, our battle is a spiritual battle.

Now let's add some GLUE to that mess, what happens?  It can be rolled into a ball, it holds its shape!   What is the GLUE that holds our faith together??

Pretty cool, eh?


So let’s review, then clean up:

  1. Why do we need spiritual armor? (To stand against the attacks of the devil.)
  2. What is it we fight against? (Against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.)
  3. Should we be afraid of this battle? (No, God will help us stand against evil. The powers of darkness will be defeated by God.)
  4. How does God help us in the battle against evil? (He gives us the weapons and armor we need to stand strong.)
  5. Why is it important that we that we put on our spiritual armor every day? (Without it we will be weak and easily defeated.)
  6. How can we use each piece of spiritual armor at home? At school? At church? [Allow plenty of time for discussion.]

[Close in prayer thanking God for our armor and asking God to help us fight and win the battle against Satan.]

[If you finish early, children can work on journal pages.]

Modifications for Younger Soldiers:
Younger students will need more supervision in the experiments. Younger children will answer questions in a more concrete manner.

Modifications for Older Soldiers:
Older students can read the passages and should be able to answer questions more abstractly.



A lesson by Staci Woodruff from: Jenks Church of Christ

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