Welcome to our Pentecost and ACTS lesson and idea forums.
Everyone can read and post in our the public ACTS lesson & Idea forums. Those marked as "Writing Team" lesson sets are open to our awesome supporting members.
The Lesson Summary and Bible Background are open to all. The lessons plans are open to Supporting Members only. This set features some particularly creative lesson plans, including: A Shavu'ot (Pentecost) Feast, Model Rocketry Workshop, and a Blacklight Music & Movement Workshop.
Acts 9:1-22 The story of Saul and Jesus on the Road to Damascus. The lessons in this Writing Team Lesson Set are only open to Supporting Members. The Lesson Summary and Bible Background are open to all.
Acts 1 and 2, the story of Pentecost.
Access to this public forum's content requires a free "Registered" Membership or a Supporting Membership. Acts 9, Conversion of Saul to Paul, Road to Damascus.
Note that some of the posts under Paul and Silas in Prison may also include activities related to Lydia since the two stories are connected.
Various and misc stories from the Book of Acts.