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Reply to "Bible Skills & GAMES Workshop Lessons & Ideas for teaching "About" the Bible"

Younger Children Bible Game Activities:

  • “Can You Find?” – Have kids find 4 or 5 Old Testament books, then 4 or 5 New Testament books.
  • “Old or New?” - Use the set of books of Bible cards. Turn over card and call out name. Kids respond with Old or New, depending on whether the book is from the Old Testament or New Testament.
  • “Musical Bible” – Play music while kids pass Bible around circle. When music stops child quickly names any book of the Bible. If correct, child stays in game. If incorrect child is out. Continue until one child left. Make the game more challenging by determining just Old Testament books, or just New Testament books.
  • "Beanbag Toss" – Write the books of the Bible on a large piece of posterboard. Color code the books and make up cards to match the poster. For example, if Genesis is on a red square, make a red card with Genesis on it. Make a set of cards for each team. Teams take turns throwing a beanbag onto the posterboard, which has been laid on the ground. If the bag lands on a square with a book of the Bible that the team doesn’t already have, the child who tossed the beanbag gets to pick the matching card for the team. First team to get a complete set of cards wins. Make the game more challenging by requiring the teams to put the cards in the correct order that the books appear in the Bible in order to win.

Written by Linda Norem

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