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Sunday School Lessons in GenesisWelcome to our treasure trove of Sunday School lessons and ideas for the Book of Genesis: Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah, Cain and Abel, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob and Esau, Joseph, and more!  Free registration may be required to access some of the lessons and ideas in our public "open" Genesis forums. A Supporting Membership is required to access our Writing Team's special Genesis story lesson sets.

Register here!

Story of Creation lesson set from the Writing Team. These six extra-creative and detailed lesson plans cover Genesis 1:1 through 2:3—the seven days of Creation, focusing on the creative and joyful character of God revealed in the story and in Creation, and what it means to be made in that image.

Most Recent Post (WT) Story of Creation ~ Bible Skills and Games Workshop Lesson
Writing Team Lesson Set:  The Story of Creation ~ Genesis 1:1 - 2:3

Seven extra creative broadly-graded Sunday School lessons about Adam, Eve, and God in the Garden, using art activities, games, cooking, puppets, software, video, and more! The Writing Team's Adam and Eve Lesson Set Summary and Bible Background are open to everyone. The lesson plans are open to Supporting Members. Join today!

Most Recent Post (WT) Adam & Eve ~ Bible Skills & Games
Writing Team Lesson Set: Adam, Eve, ...and God

Children's Sunday School lessons and ideas for teaching Genesis 1:1-2:3, the 7 Day Story of Creation with arts and crafts, video, drama, puppets, software, cooking, games, music, and more!

Most Recent Post Day Zero Art Project and Video: "the earth was formless and empty, ...and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters"
The Story of Creation: Genesis 1

Genesis 2. The Garden of Eden, the creation of Adam and Eve, the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, God looking for them in the evening breeze, fig leaves and clothing, being cast out of Eden.

Most Recent Post Drama, Newsroom Puppet Workshops: Lessons and Ideas for the Story of Adam & Eve
Adam and Eve ~ Garden of Eden ~ Genesis 2

Lessons, ideas, and resources for teaching the stories of Cain and Abel, Tower of Babel, and "other" (smaller) stories from Genesis in Sunday School. Register for free to view the resources of this particular lesson forum.

Most Recent Post CAIN and ABEL: All Workshop lessons and ideas here
Cain and Abel, Tower of Babel, and "Other" Genesis stories

Sunday School lessons and ideas for teaching the story of Noah, the Ark, and the Rainbow from Genesis chapters 6, 7, 8, and 9. Art, Games, Video, Drama, Puppets, Food, Software, Music, and more!

A free registration is required to view the content in our Noah lesson and idea forums 

Most Recent Post VIDEO, A-V Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Noah
Noah, the Ark, and the Rainbow ~ Sunday School Lessons, Ideas, Resources

This set features 2 Art project lessons, 2 Game lessons, plus, Computer, Video, Drama, and Cooking! EVERYONE can view the lesson summaries and Bible Background for the Writing Team's Abraham and Isaac Lesson Set. Team lesson plans are open to Supporting Members. Become a Supporting Member today !

Most Recent Post (WT) Abraham & Isaac: God Will Provide ~ Video / Audio Visual
Writing Team Lesson Set: Abraham & Isaac ~ God Will Provide

Sunday School lessons and ideas for teaching the stories of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac from Genesis 12, 15, 17, 18, 22 (among others). Call of Abram, Covenant, Sarah laughs, Visitors, Birth of Isaac, and more.

Most Recent Post Cooking Workshop: Lessons and Ideas for Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Call, Covenant, Laughter
Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Related Stories

This lesson set has 3 art lessons to choose from, plus lessons that use games, cooking, shadow puppets, software, a great Jacob and Esau video, and a magic trick-inspired lesson! EVERYONE can view the Team's Jacob and Esau Lesson Summaries and Bible Background. The Team's creative Jacob and Esau lesson plans are open to Supporting Members only.  Become one today and get access to these and all the rest of the Team's creative lessons.

Most Recent Post (WT) Jacob & Esau ~ Video / Audio Visual
Writing Team Lesson Set: Jacob and Esau

Sunday School lesson and ideas teaching the stories of Jacob and Esau, Jacob sells his birthright to Esau, Leah, Rachel, Laban. Jacob's Ladder (stairs), Jacob wrestles with the angel, and more.

A free registration is required to view the Jacob and Esau content. Register now.

Most Recent Post SCIENCE Workshop Lessons and Ideas for =ALL= Jacob Stories
Jacob and Esau Stories

Sunday School lessons and ideas for the stories of Joseph and his brothers, Coat of many colors, Joseph and Potiphar, Joseph and Pharaoh, Dreams, Joseph reconciles found in Genesis chapters 37, 39, 41-45.

Most Recent Post VIDEO, A-V Workshop: Videos, Lessons and Ideas for teaching the Story of Joseph
Joseph and his brothers, Coat of many colors, Potiphar, Pharaoh, etc
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