Welcome to Rotation.org's Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany lessons, ideas, programs, celebrations, and teaching resources. Our members and Content Team continue to improve on previously posted ideas and add new ones. Glean what you need, share what you can.
"Open" forums are open to both visitors and members. Some forums may require a free "Registered" or Supporting Membership to enter. Writing Team Lesson Sets are open to our amazing supporting members who make this site possible. Learn more about becoming a Supporting Member.
Be sure to view our special SHAREABLE video presentation of Advent Resources for Home Use
A special video presentation highlighting some of our favorite "at home" Advent resources, multimedia, and ideas for all ages. Share this video!
Isaiah 7 (Immanuel), Isaiah 9 (Wonderful Counselor...), and Matthew 1 (you shall name him Jesus). This revised and improved "WT" lesson set was previously titled, "Birth of Jesus through the Eyes of Isaiah."
Lesson summary and Bible background open to all.
Lesson plans open to Supporting Members only. Become a Supporting Member today!
Gabriel visits Mary (Luke 1:26-38), Mary's Song of Joy (Luke 1: 46-55), Mary Treasures and Ponders what the Shepherds say (Luke 2:8-20)
Everyone can read the Bible Background and Lesson Summaries for this set. Supporting Members can access the individual lesson plans. Become a Supporting Member today!
Luke 2's story of the Angels Announcing Jesus' Birth to the Shepherds
The Writing Team's "Jesus is Born!" lesson set is open to all!
Free registration is required to view the content --if you are not already a Registered or Supporting Member.
Scripture in this set: Matthew 1:18-25 (Angel's Announcement to Joseph) and Luke 2:1-7 (Decree, Journey to Bethlehem, and Birth).
The Magi Lesson Set from the Rotation.org Writing Team has six uniquely creative workshop-style lessons on the Matthew 2:1-12 story. Each emphasizes important life applications. Everyone can read the Lesson Summaries and Bible Background. Supporting members can access the lesson plans. Join today.
Adaptable by all types of Sunday School. Great ideas for Advent Programs too.
Sunday School lessons and ideas related to the prophets' hope for a Messiah, and Isaiah's famous prophecies. "On them has the light shined." "Immanuel," "Wonderful Counselor," "Prince of Peace." Including Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9
This forum focuses mainly on Matthew 1 and Luke 1's "pre-birth" Christmas stories: Mary and Joseph's story, the Annunciation of the Angel, Mary's Song of Joy. Mary and Elizabeth. Elizabeth and Zechariah. Some lessons here also include other parts of the Birth story.
Sunday School lessons, ideas, and resources featuring Luke 2's story of the "decree," journey to Bethlehem, "no room at the inn," Jesus' birth in the manger, and the appearance of the angels to the shepherds. Some lessons here may include other parts of the Birth story as well.
Simeon and Anna meet the baby Jesus in the Temple, Luke 2:21-40
Wisemen, Magi, Star of Bethlehem, Herod, Gifts. Matthew 2.
This "More Birth of Jesus Lesson Resources" forum includes a number of lesson activities and ideas that TEND TO COVER MORE THAN ONE PART of the Advent Story. If you want to focus on part of the story, such as on The Magi or The Shepherds, look in their more story-specific forums.
In this topic we are collecting Advent resources and ideas that don't seem to fit in our other more "story-specific" topics, including Advent "at home" celebrations and resources, "Christmas around the world," Advent calendars, wreaths, candles, etc.
This forum shares ideas and resources for celebrating Christmas in the church and at home: liturgies, ideas, "Advent Programs" (pageants, special worship, skits, etc), ideas for lighting the Advent Candles, Advent projects, family celebrations and activities, and more.
Note to Visitors: Free registration is required to view posts in this forum.
Lesson ideas and resources for celebrating New Year's and Epiphany Sunday (aka "Three Kings Day").
Note: For Sunday School lessons about the Matthew 2 story of the Magi, Wisemen, "3 Kings," go to our public Magi forum. You'll also want to see our Writing Team's Lesson Set about the Magi. It includes ideas for celebrating Epiphany.