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Reply to "Art Method - Various Ideas"

Ok, some of our favorite art activities:

"stained glass" window: from Lord's Supper rotation -- we used a plexiglass panel and the faux stained glass paint. Brainstormed different symbols and the teacher helped the older kids design the panel, then other groups painted on it until finished.

Model of Bethany -- for our Mary and Martha rotation. We were really stumped for an activity, so this is what we came up with. It's still on display in our art room. Made a papier mache base on a board, painted brown. Kids added trees, sukkots, houses, a well, etc.

Esther Purim masks -- we used the plaster tape to mold the faces of the kids (actually did this ahead of time). Kids painted their masks to represent the different characters and added jewels, hair, and other decorations. They used these masks in our drama workshop and also in our Purim celebration at the end of the rotation.

Illuminated Manuscripts -- for our rotation on the Bible. Kids illustrated our Bible memory verse using this ancient technique. We found information on the internet and pulled out old Bibles and books with examples. They really enjoyed this!

A similar activity: From Cornerstones lesson on Messiah -- using Timothy Botts' calligraphy book, kids listened to the music and responded to it in calligraphy and watercolor! VERY meaningful!!! His books are great if you haven't seen them! [Update 2016: In the past year or so, the founders of Cornerstones retired. Their website and materials are no longer available. ]

Mosaic tabletop: Moses rotations. We are currently doing a series of rotations on MOses. We are making a mosaic tabletop that tells about some of the key points of Moses' life. The kids have really enjoyed this, but it is rather teacher directed... If you had enough time, you could let the kids help with the design.

Joseph's coat: We had each child make a square using fabric pieces (older kids sewed, younger kids used fabric glue). Then we sewed these all together into a cloak for our drama workshop.

Mezuzahs: For another rotation on the Bible, we made clay mezuzahs. Kids then wrote their favorite scriptures to place inside and took home to put in their rooms.

Those are a few of my favorites....


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