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Reply to "How do you begin your Rotation Sunday School year?"

We are having an Open House for our new church building in a few weeks. I am adapting some Shepherd ideas from Surprising Stoires from People Jesus Met (Mikal Keefer & John Cutshall, Group ISBN 1-55945-716-3).

We are still in the planning process, but in
* drama, we will have someone in Shepherd costume greeting and talking about what shepherds do and Jesus and the Good Shepherd (details in the book -- it's excellent)

* games -- also from the book, a herding sheep game with balloons for sheep and dowels for staffs -- talk about how difficult it is to herd sheep and keep them from getting lost...

* cooking -- make sheep out of marshmallows (use pretzel sticks to put them together) and again talk about sheep and caring for them (us) as the children work

* art -- I printed the 23rd Psalm in a nice font in a box with space around the edge of the paper for the children to decorate. we will encourage them to hang it in their rooms where they can see it and be reminded that the Good Shepherd is always watching out for them.

* video -- what I would like is for the youth to have fun with the video camera and make a short Parable of the Lost Sheep video to be looping constantly. Someone dressed as a shepherd will look all over the church and grounds ("Here Lamby, Here Lamby!") -- under rocks, in trash cans, bushes, etc. until the sheep (a youth in cotton ball sheep ears) is found. Much rejoicing by the whole youth group!

People will wander from room to room at their own pace, the activities are open ended and there will a few people at each station to help.

Hope this helps people start thinking! (and me too....)
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