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Reply to "Recruiting teachers for Sunday School -- ideas and discussion"

re: solving the inevitable build up "been there done that"

Here's a concept discussed in long-range curriculum planning we have called the:


In short: Jubilee is "the year of doing many things differently." 

Jubilee gets its cue from the Old Testament idea of forgiving debts every 7 years, only in the case of Sunday School, it's a "year of doing everything differently."  

After five or six years of Rotation (or any model) it's time to take a break. More importantly, you can LEARN from the break. So you all agree to force yourselves to most things entirely differently for an entire program year (or at least part of it). And you agree to new leaders (asking them to plan the Jubilee year well in advance). 

Many of these ideas have been floating around a long time. They just don't get the SPACE and TIME to get done because of other standing commitments. But you tell the regular program juggernaut to step aside for a while, you suddenly have space and time and leaders to help you do different things.

Ideas for doing things differently:

  • Parent and siblings join in special new workshops.
  • A month of morning breakfasts, songs, creative lesson.
  • Prep and present a musical or play.
  • An intergenerational season. 
  • Hold Sunday School in a tent during the month you are renovating a room or two.
  • Create a brand new workshop during the Jubilee --having groups work on it to result in an amazing new space after Jubilee is over.
  • Create 'family units' who meet after worship instead of regular Sunday School time for burgers, a study, and a game.
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