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Reply to "Recruiting teachers for Sunday School -- ideas and discussion"

We recruit teachers during all of August using an information table alongside a fun pool of objects that we'll be using this year in our workshops (pics below).

The added visual is creating a buzz...and as a nice bonus, creating excitement and curiosity among the kids.  We staff our table before and after worship. In addition to information about each workshop they can sign up to teach, we also have volunteer slots and descriptions for "Trail Guides" (which includes attending a scheduled orientation/training). The table also includes pics of kids in workshops last year,  a handout that identifies which rotation is using each technique, i.e. cooking in Oct., Nov. and Feb. 

Those who sign up to teach, or indicate they are interested,  are added to a private Facebook group that we will use to share ideas and resources, encourage each other, and hopefully grow together as we serve our kids and families.  All our curriculum is uploaded to the FB page too, so they can browse when it's convenient for them.

We have also extended an open invitation for anyone to visit our September rotation of workshops to "see what it's like" in our workshops and meet current teachers and guides.


Clarifications added by moderator


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