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Reply to "Recruiting teachers for Sunday School -- ideas and discussion"

Don't miss the great insights on recruiting volunteers in small churches from member @tcho in her blog: Wanted: Sunday School Teachers.  Here's an excerpt!

I discovered that it wasn’t that people weren’t willing, it was that they were intimidated to teach. The curriculum that we used involved a bible study, a craft, and some type of game or exercise to enforce the lesson. Teachers didn’t feel like they had enough knowledge let alone skills to execute the lesson. One parent warned me that her arts and craft skills were a little lacking. I thought it couldn’t be that bad until I saw the product of their craft activity. The lesson was on fruits of the spirit and they were to make a fruit basket. The parent’s idea of making a fruit basket was taking a styrofoam ball and sticking skewers in it with paper fruit taped on the ends of the skewers. It looked like a solar system science project gone bad . . . or should I say “fruity.”

She points out that switching to Workshop Rotation Model was helpful in making it easier to recruit teachers, not only for its flexibility, but also because having workshops also allowed teachers to sign up for the teaching medium they felt most comfortable with. "No more solar system fruit baskets."

Adjusting the schedule (her church has Sunday school during worship) and expectations as well as the curriculum change made Sunday school more meaningful for the teachers as well as the students in her church.

And don't miss our Small Sunday School Resources, Topics, Discussion for more help.

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