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Reply to "IDEAS for Building the Empty Tomb and other Resurrection Scenery/Props"

You can see the FOAM tomb we built in Barrington in the PHOTOS page at


A dad and his son built it out of old furniture foam glued to plywood, lightly spray painted. Durable yet relatively light.

The tomb was a triangular shaped fascade that fit into a corner and we used canvas to drape off the back of it to hide corner from the inside. The slight triangular shape made it fit nicely ACROSS a corner and stand on its own too.

The foam was "shaped and layered" for a more realistic rock look using razor blade knives and scissors.

We later used that tomb for Elijah's cave, stuck a tree in front of it and Moses on a ladder behind it to make it Mt Sinai, and laid it on its side to be rocks in various dramas.

You can paint a large reinforced Painter's PAPER drop cloths or canvas with shades of grey, and cut an entrance hole in it. Attach it to a wooden or pvc stand/frame. If using paper, add several rows of TAPE on the interior of the paper entrance to reinforce it against tearing.

To give the paper or canvas some '3d dimension', attach some inexpensive chicken wire to the frame that you have bent outward so that the "rock" sticks out in various places. Make your rock covering the entrance out of cardboard or dense foam because it will take a beating.

<>< Neil

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