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Name tags

Nametags are an important thing, especially in medium and large churches where the adults and kids may not know each other, and in any size Sunday School where visitors are common.

However, as Pam and others point out below, nametags aren't always an easy thing to consistently do. They tend to walk off and require some prep, organization, and a way to store them.   

Nametags are of PARTICULAR IMPORTANCE TO ROTATION SUNDAY SCHOOLS because each workshop teacher is seeing a new class each week.  Eventually, they get to know everyone, but nametags help.  

As you'll also read, some people have started to incorporate nametags into their TEACHING of the Bible Story, so that they are part of the lesson, and not something hanging on a wall.  

Lots of great ideas and cautions here!  Your insights welcome. --Wormy


Topic Starter originally Posted by Pam C


Has anyone come up with a nametag idea that really works?

Emphasis on "works" !

...Nametags that stay at the church every week (or at least get created every week)

...One that the kids like to wear.

...One that doesn't fall off or start to look ratty.

Nametags help teachers identify the kids and help kids feel important to the group.

Looking forward to your suggestions.


Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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