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Reply to "Name tags"

Members Shea and Neil posted:


Last year we did a very interesting experiment in nametags:


We started off the Workshop year with a Rotation about "I AM, Who is God (God's Names), and Who are You?".  Each workshop (Art, Drama, Computer, Video) came up with its own unique nametags for each kid using a materials and ideas drawn from each workshop's medium.


For example,



  • In Art, we made "painter's pallets" out of cardboard, and the phrase "wonderfully made" below their name.
  • In Computer we used "used" CD-ROMs to make CD nametags.
  • In Video, we made had "tv" shaped nametags.
  • We tried small "rag" puppets of each kid clipped to a necklace, but in Drama, they were often taking them off to put on costumes. Never figured that one out.
  • In our Science Lab, we had "lab coats" and gave each student a plastic POCKET PROTECTOR they put their name on. 
  • In our Cooking workshop, we had CHEF'S HATS (the painter's cap kind) they decorated. On the back of their hats they picked from a set of 'cooking' verses, like "O Taste and See That the Lord is Good."


Not everyone attended each workshop, so we also had the kids make hat/CD/apron nametags for those who WERE NOT there. This was our way of "remembering them" and encouraging the kids to make sure they invite those not there. 


This way, each workshop had its own set of unique nametags.

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