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The Widow's Mite

Cooking Workshop - "Our Daily Bread"

Grades K-2

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Making "Flower Pot Cupcakes"

Lesson Objective:

Learn about the spirit (attitude) of joy in giving that God wants to see in our hearts. Discover what happens when we cheerfully bring offerings to God and share what we have with others.

Supplies List:

  • Bibles and student journals,
  • napkins,

ingredients for “Flower Pot Cupcakes”:

  • § 1 box of cake mix, any flavor
  • Flat-bottomed ice cream cones
  • White frosting
  • Large gumdrop disks, such as Sunkist Gourmet Fruit Gems (one 14-oz. bag can decorate 5 or more cupcakes.)

Teacher Preparation:

  1. Prepare the cake batter according to the directions on the box.
  2. Fill the narrow bottom of each ice-cream cone with the batter.
  3. Set the cones on a baking sheet and transfer and place in the oven, being careful not to tip them over.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until a toothpick put into the center comes out clean. Cool. (One box of cake mix makes about 34 cupcakes.)
  5. Decorate one “flower pot cupcake” as an example for the students.


Opening - Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us all we need to live each day. Thank you for safe, warm homes, for good food to eat, and clothes to wear. Most of all, thank you for the gift of life. Help us to share our talents and gifts with others. In Jesus Name, AMEN.

Scripture:  II Corinthians 9:6-10. (Read aloud to the students or have them take turns reading these verses aloud.)

Dig - Main Content and Reflection:

SAY: These verses are part of a letter that the Apostle Paul wrote to the Church in Corinthians. What was he trying to say to them? (Accept all answers—we are to give freely and generously. God wants us to give with a happy heart!)

SAY: Paul used the word “generosity.” What does that mean? (Accept all answers.) Generosity is “a willingness to give.” A generous person “gives freely.”

Paul said that when people give, it is like sowing (planting) seeds, and the seeds will grow. When people give, everything grows. There is enough for everyone! The people who receive the gifts are filled with gratitude. People who give become even happier!

To help us remember that when we give, God makes things grow, we are going to make “Flower Pot Cupcakes.”

Student Activity: Create flowers “growing” from flower pot cupcakes.flower-cupcake-in-a-cone

  1. Frost the cupcakes.
  2. Demonstrate how to make “candy flowers” to the students.
  3. Help the younger students, as needed.
  4. To make each candy flower, cut 6 wedges from the edges of a gumdrop disk.
  5. Cut a green gumdrop disk into slices for leaves.
  6. Press the wedges into the middle of the cut flowers for flower centers, then arrange the candies on top of the frosted cupcakes.

SAY:  When you are kind and share, good things will grow out of your lives, just like the flowers are growing out of these cupcakes.

Journal Time/Apply the Lesson
READ aloud Genesis 2:1b-7 to the students, preferably from TEV or from a Children’s Bible.

ASK: Which of these brothers gave his offering with a cheerful heart? (Abel gave the best that he had, from the first animals that he raised.)

*READ the story of the Widow’s Mite to the children, from TEV or from a Children’s Bible. (If time is short, read only this story.)

ASK: Why did God say that the widow’s offering was special? (She gave all she had.)

Pass out the student’s journals.
Draw or write about some ways that you can give cheerfully and help others, or help God’s church. (Hint: we often think of giving money or things, but there are other ways we can give. God asks us to give to the poor, as well as to the work of His church.)

Allow the students to take their cupcakes home, or say a table prayer and invite them to eat together.


End with a prayer.


familyfun-recipes (link no longer works) - so replaced with below link

A lesson written by Kirsten from: Augustana Lutheran Church
St. James, Minnesota


Images (1)
  • flower-cupcake-in-a-cone
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