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The Widow's Mite

Science Workshop - “Faith Matters Lab”

Grades 4-6

Lesson Objective:

Learn what God says in the Bible about the offerings we bring, and the spirit (attitude) of joy in giving that God wants to see in our hearts.

For scripture and background - see above.

Supplies List:

For each student:

  • Bible
  • a zippered plastic bag
  • ¼ c. water
  • ½ c. vinegar
  • 1 ½ Tbsp.baking soda
  • a paper towel
  • measuring cups and spoon
  • a nice day to be outdoors!

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.


Opening - Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Opening Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us all we need to live each day. Thank you for solid homes to keep us warm and safe, plenty of food to make us grow strong, and enough clothes to wear. Thank you for giving us each things to do that we are good at. Most of all, thank you for giving us life. While we live here on earth, help us to share our talents and the gifts you have given us with others. In Jesus Name, AMEN.

Dig - Main Content and Reflection:

Paul's Letter to the Corinthians

Scripture:  II Corinthians 9:6-12. (Have the students take turns reading these verses aloud.)

SAY: These verses are part of a letter that the Apostle Paul wrote to the Church in Corinthians. What was he trying to say to them? (Accept all answers—we are to give freely and generously. God wants us to give with a happy heart!)

SAY: Paul used the word “generosity.” What does that mean? (Accept all answers.) Generosity can be described is “liberality in giving” or “a willingness to give.” A generous person is one who “gives freely.”

God asks us to give to the poor, as well as to the work of His church. Paul said that when people give, it is like sowing (planting) seeds, and the seeds will grow. When people give, everything grows. There is enough for everyone! The people who receive the gifts are filled with gratitude. The giver’s own happiness grows.

We will go outside and do an experiment to watch growth in action! But let’s get a few things ready first.

  1. Pour ¼ c. of water and ½ c. vinegar into a zippered bag.
  2. Place 1 ½ tablespoons baking soda into the center of a paper towel. Carefully fold it up.
  3. Carefully carry the bag of vinegar water and the folded paper towel outside.
  4. Once you are outside, open the zipper halfway. Quickly stuff the folded paper towel into the bag and close the zipper as fast as you can. Shake it up a bit. Place on the ground and stand back away from the bag. (Carbon dioxide gas will form and will pop the bag!)

SAY: Wow! And when we give, God brings growth, just like the bag grew! When we share, everyone has enough, and joy grows in all of our hearts.

Cain & Abel

Journal Time/Apply the Lesson:
Read aloud Genesis 2:1b-7 to the students, preferably from TEV.
ASK: Which of these brothers gave his offering with a cheerful heart? (Abel gave the best that he had, from the first animals that he raised.)

Widow's Mite
Briefly tell the story of the Widow’s Mite, or ask a student to read the verses aloud.

ASK: Why did God say that the widow’s offering was special? (She gave all she had.)

Pass out the student’s journals/follow-up questions.

  1. Write in your journal about a time, when you gave, but perhaps not very cheerfully.
  2. Write about a time when you gave, but it was hard because you gave all you had.
  3. Or write about some ways that you can give cheerfully and help others, or help God’s church. (Hint: we often think of giving money or things, but there are other ways we can give.)


Holy God, thank you again for all you do for us. Be with us during the week to come, and help us find many ways to give to you and to others around us. Amen.


  • Carbon dioxide experiment: 2006 Jok Church – Dist. By Universal Press Syndicate 6-4-06.


A lesson written by Kirsten from: Augustana Lutheran Church
St. James, MN

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