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Reply to "THEATER SEATS - where to get them; how to install them"

These posts are consolidated from another posts so all information can be kept together.

<gena koeberl>

posted May 24, 2002 08:14 PM
We're just beginning to establish rooms and think decor. Time is counting down until September and I need the movie room to be versatile for many ages. We thought to use theater seats but we need them cheap to free. Do you know of any available, companies to call, wisdom of resources. I keep saying miracles are an everyday things and this rotation project is a big test.
Gena Koeberl


julie burton
Exchange Volunteer
"Secret Order of the WoRM"
posted May 25, 2002 08:46 PM
You might check and see if any local movie theaters are remodeling or closing. Also, check schools (public, colleges/universities). If they are remodeling, they are usually thrilled to give them away. You could check with construction companies/builders and see if they have any sources. Seats can be found on e-bay, but that gets expensive.

Good luck!

Julie Burton

Lois Petersen>>
posted September 14, 2002 08:31 PM
To find theater seats I got onto a search engine, and put in theaters in Nebraska. It brought up the names of theaters in my State. I then found their e-mail addresses and e-mailed several theaters about needing seats, if they had any available, and what I was going to be using them for. Within an hour, I had a returned e-mail from a gentleman two hours away. He told me to contact this other gentleman on Monday as he was going to be dismantling seats at a theater. They are 5 years old and they would be selling them for $7.50 each. Needless to say, Monday morning I am going to do just that. If I can get them, I have already had someone volunteer to pick them up for me. God is good!!!

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