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Reply to "THEATER SEATS - where to get them; how to install them"

Hooray for E-Bay! Last spring I was able to purchase 20 movie theatre seats for $500 from e-bay a seller on ebay. What was amazing is that I live in Maine and the seats were in Maine and I was able to pick them up! I will donate them to our new WORM program. So do keep checking ebay for theatre seats if you need them!
I did rotation at a previous church and secured seats for nothing. This involved lots of lurking around an "adult" theatre that was closing and being re-habed as a dinner club. I eventually got some old seats and had them cleaned and sanitized (ahem..) and they were fine. They repented and turned to God!!
You could always ask at a theatre, maybe they would have some old seats stored somewhere-or they could tell you when they are going to update their facility- you never know.
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