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(WT) Jesus Feeds the 5000 ~ Video Workshop

Jesus Feeds the 5000 Writing Team

Video Workshop

 Summary of Activities

Children will watch the animated DVD "Bread from Heaven" from Nest Learning.  They will learn the events of the Bible story and discuss how the boy's storyline presented in the video is affected by his experience with Jesus at the miracle of the feeding of 5000.

Scripture for the Lesson

John 6:1-15 (NIV)

Please note: The Bread of Heaven DVD covers most of John's 6th chapter, starting with the story of the 5000, continuing with Jesus Walks on Water (which is another miracle revealing Jesus' identity), and concluding with Jesus' famous reference to himself as the "Bread of Heaven." See the outline of the video below for more details.

Key/Memory Verses: The first memory verse describes the miracle in two sentences. The second describes the message of the miracle. The third comes from a verse Jesus spoke after the story.

"Jesus took the bread, gave thanks to God, and distributed it to the people who were sitting there. He did the same with the fish, and they all had as much as they wanted." (John 6:11 NIV)

"Seeing this miracle that Jesus had performed, the people there said, “Surely this is the Prophet who was to come into the world!” (John 6:14 NIV)

"I am the Bread of Life." (John 6:35 NIV)

Lesson Objectives

See Bible Background at for this set's complete list of objectives and important insights into the story's content and meaning.

Preparation and Materials

  • Read Bible Background and scripture.
  • Preview the full video. (You may find a low res version to preview on YouTube or its trailer.)
  • DVD - “Bread From Heaven” (
  • DVD Player/TV.
  • 1 real loaf of bread or a "Squishy Loaf" (foam loaf) as a fun discussion prompt.
  • Flipchart for "Bread in the Basket" reflection game.
  • Bread "snacks" such as cinnamon sugar breadsticks or rolls (optional).

Lesson Plan

The video is approximately 23 minutes long. Add 5 to 10 minutes for pausing to discuss. The video closely follows almost the entirety of John chapter 6, and thus this lesson doesn't include a formal "bible reading" activity. You may add one if you have time. You might also use the interactive Bible reading activity found in this lesson set's Storytelling & Toast Workshop.

As usual, some parts of children's Bible videos are not from the scripture. We have marked those in the outline below and you should make that clear to your students as you pause and play your way through the presentation.

See the "adaptations" section after the lesson plan for additional suggestions.

Loaf Pause: Each time you pause the video to make a comment and ask a question, shout "LOAF PAUSE!" and then toss the bread to the first student who raises their hand and who has not yet answered a question. Don't let them pass. Help them. After their question is answered have them toss the loaf back to you.

It's customary to have "snacks" for video. How about BREAD snacks, such as cinnamon sugar breadsticks or rolls.

Introducing the Video

Introduce the Video by saying the following:
In our video today, you will see and hear almost the entire 6th chapter from John's Gospel. It will start with the miracle of the Fishes and Loaves, move on to Jesus Walks on Water, and conclude with Jesus calling himself the "Bread of Heaven."

Wherever Jesus went, the biggest question people had on their minds was "Who is he?" Is he just a great teacher? Is he a revolutionary or a rebel? Is he our new King?  Or is he the One promised by God—the Messiah sent to save us from our sins and bring us into the Kingdom of God? 

Jesus performed miracles and spoke often about "who he was." But not everyone listened. So my question to you today is, WILL YOU LISTEN?  And will you believe what Jesus is about to both SHOW you and TELL you?

As you listen and watch today's video, keep in mind that the makers of the video have added some dialog and characters that are not found in the Bible story. I'll do my best to point those out to you. 

Every few minutes, I'll be pausing the video to point something out and ask you a question. When it's your turn to answer a question, I'm going to throw this loaf of bread at you, so be ready!


BEGIN VIDEO – Chapter 1 – Not Enough to Share (0:00-2:47)

The video begins by introducing the small boy in John's story. Remind students that this part of the boy's story is "imagined." It is not in the actual scripture (but it does help us see the transformation that the boy may have gone through being part of Jesus' miracle).

PAUSE the video as soon as you see the Baker near his oven.

Shout "Loaf Pause!" and ask, what was the boy's response to the old man who said, “Isaiah said, when the Messiah comes those who follow Him shall hunger and thirst no more.”  (Answer: "I don’t believe that anymore I’ve heard it a million times and nothing changes! ... we still go on starving.") 

CONTINUE to Chapter 2 – Bread for a Clever Beggar (2:47-4:23)

Remind students before continuing into Chapter 2 that this part the story with the baker and beggar is imagined.

CONTINUE to Chapter 3 – Miracle Through Faith (4:23-6:03)

PAUSE the video after Peter and Jesus are done talking on the boat and they see the crowds gathered on the shore.

Shout "Loaf Pause!" and ask, As the boat approaches the shore, Jesus and the disciples see all the people waiting, Peter says to Jesus, “Shall we set back out to sea, master?" What is Jesus’ reply?  (Answer: "No, it’s time to feed the sheep.") Question: Who are the sheep he speaks of? (the people/us).

Continue playing the video.

PAUSE for just a moment when the Baker and his friend get off the boat and ask, How many of you have gotten out of the car at church on a Sunday morning and thought to yourself just like the baker did: "This better be worth it!"?   hahaha

CONTINUE to Chapter 4 – Miracles for the Multitude (6:03-7:43)

Song: "He fills my soul with bread from Heaven"
Living manna sent from above. I hunger no more.
So sweet the taste of bread from Heaven,
bringing life for those who eat and hope for all.
Come hear His story.
Come see His glory.
Come feel His love sent from above.

PAUSE at the end of the song.

Shout "Loaf Pause!" and ask: In the song we just heard, Jesus is called "Living Manna sent from above."  Who knows what "manna" is or what Bible story that comes from?   (Answer: Manna is the bread that rained down from the sky in the story of Exodus to feed Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness. It is a symbol for all the ways God feeds us. Jesus is our manna. He feeds our souls.)

Before continuing on, CUE your students to pay special attention to the song lyrics they are about to hear in Chapter 5. The lyrics point to the meaning of the miracle.

CONTINUE to Chapter 5 – Only Five Loaves and Two Fish (7:43-11:32)

Song: "He fills my soul with bread from Heaven"
He fills my soul with bread from Heaven.
Living water showering down, quenching my thirst.
So clear and cool from heaven flowing,
giving strength to those who drink and hope for all.
Come hear His story.
Come see His glory.
Come feel His love sent from above.
He fills my soul with bread from Heaven.

PAUSE when you see the two bakers appear on the mountainside.

Shout "Loaf Pause!" and ask: What is the point of the miracle according to the song? (Read the song lyrics again for the answer. They capture the meaning quite well. Jesus is here to fill our souls, not our stomachs.)

CONTINUE to Chapter 6 – We’ll Never Work Again! (11:32-15:01) ...Jesus Walks on Water

Before continuing on with this chapter, tell your students that the bakers and their dialog about "not having to do more work" are not in the Bible. In fact, the people wanted to make Jesus their KING because they believed he was the promised One sent from God. 

PAUSE when Jesus says he's going back up into the mountains to pray

Shout "Loaf Pause!" and ask: What is Jesus' response to their desire to make him King?  (Answer: Jesus answers: "I don't offer you a life without work!  I'm not that kind of King who just gives you as much bread and fish as you need...." In other words, THAT is not the point of my miracle!) 

END of the 5000 STORY

When Jesus walks up the mountain, the Feeding of the 5000 story is officially over. If you want to stop here, or need to, you can.

However, if time permits, you should keep going to get to the Chapter 8 where Jesus explains that HE is the Bread of Life, and Chapter 9 where we see how the small boy's life has changed.

CONTINUE to Chapter 7 – Be Not Afraid (15:01-16:58)

The storm on the sea. Jesus walks on water. This is another "confirmation" miracle -- a sign of Jesus' identity.

PLAY continue [Chapter 8 – The Living Bread (16:58-20.33)]

  • The story now moves to John 6: 25-40 (Jesus the Bread of Life)
  • We hear the Bakers plan to go find Jesus.
  • We see Jesus teaching a group of disciples inside a house when the two bakers appear.
  • Peter professes that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living God.

CONTINUE to Chapter 9 – A Changed Heart (20:33-22:49)

We see the small boy returning to his village. There he encounters the thieves and the poor man. 

This is a really important scene for reflection. It shows that the boy's encounter with Jesus changed his heart. 

The boy tells the poor man, "His name is Jesus, and I'm going to take you to him."

PAUSE at the credits and talk about why and how the boy's life changed.

Continue to use your Loaf of Bread if you wish. Shout "Loaf Pause!" and ask:

  1. Why did the boy's heart change? (Because he saw a miracle? Or because he discovered who Jesus really is and wanted to follow him?)
  2. When you believe, what then? What are we supposed to do to FOLLOW the Bread of Life?

Reflection Game: 
"Bread in the basket, Fish in the Sea, Jesus my Messiah, Lord Feed Me!"

The following "Simon-says" type of game is designed to imprint the application of today's lesson ("Jesus my Messiah, Lord Feed Me!") on our students' memories through this fun game we call "Bread in the Basket, Fish in the Sea, Jesus my Messiah, Lord Feed Me!"

The game is an adaptation of "Frog in the Pond" (aka "Frog on a Log") children's game seen in this YouTube video. Instead of using their "frog" words and motions (where they say "frog in the pond" and put hands on the floor), you will have four different motions for these four phrases: Bread in the basket, Fish in the Sea, Jesus my Messiah, Lord Feed Me!

Frog in a Pond (Frog on a Log) uses the Simon Says mechanic where one person leads and everyone else is trying to repeat what the leader says and does. However, just like in Simon Says, the group must do what the leader says and not copy what the leader does if the leader is doing the WRONG motion, because from time to time the leader WILL DO the wrong motions on purpose to try to throw them off. In the children's version, you are "out" if you mess up. But instead, if they get it wrong, you could tell them to "scoot back from the circle 12 inches" (but continue to play), or give them a "letter" from the word "Bread" (like when you get a letter when you miss a shot in the basketball game of "P.I.G.").

To make this easier to learn and lead, write out the four phrases and motions on a FLIPCHART and place it where the leader can see it. Doesn't matter if the kids can see it.  Adjust the speed of the game and how often you say one phrase but do another based on your students' abilities.

Phrase: Bread in the Basket 
Motion: Rock your hands like you're cradling a basket.

Phrase: Fish in the Sea  
Motion: Make swimming motions with both hands.

Phrase: Jesus my Messiah   
Motion: Point to a "hole" in your hand then clutch both hands over your heart.

Phrase: Lord Feed Me!   
Motion: Tap your lips, then raise your hand to Jesus.

Close with a prayer that each of us would recognize Jesus as our Messiah, and the saving Bread that fuels our life and faith.


For Younger Children:  Help younger students know "who's who" onscreen by blurting out the names of various characters as they appear, such as, "that's Peter," or there's the small boy."  For the reflection game, only use three of the phrases instead of four and go slowly.

For those with more class time: Watch "I AM" -- the powerful YouTube music video which combines scenes from the Son of God movie's depiction of the Feeding of the 5000 with a powerful song. See our discussion questions.

Optional Quizzes found on the "Bread from Heaven" DVD

Quiz #1 –Questions about Isaiah, plus questions about Jesus walking on water. Concludes with a clip from Nest's "Miracles of Jesus" video – which shows Matthew's version of the "walking on water" story with Peter. ("Bread of Heaven" follows John's version of the walking on water story which doesn't include Peter.)

Quiz 2 – Questions on the basic sequence of story events. Concludes with a clip from Nest's "He is Risen" of Peter denying Jesus.

Quiz 3 – Recommended.  Some good questions on people’s responses to Jesus. Concludes with a clip from Nest's "Elijah" video of Elijah and the Widow’s oil.

Chapters Listing – “Bread From Heaven” DVD

(Found when you use the DVD's menu or DVD player's chapter advance feature.)

Chapter 1 – Not Enough to Share (0:00)
Chapter 2 – Bread for a Clever Beggar (2:47)
Chapter 3 – Miracle Through Faith. (4:23)
Chapter 4 – Miracles for the Multitude. (6:03)
Chapter 5 – Only Five Loaves and Two Fish (7:43)
Chapter 6 – We’ll Never Work Again! (11:32)
Chapter 7 – Be Not Afraid (15:01)
Chapter 8 – The Living Bread (16:58)
Chapter 9 – A Changed Heart (20:33)
Chapter 10 – Closing Credits (22:49)

Fictional* Characters (note, other than Jesus no one is actually named in the video, only in the video’s activity book.)

  • Boy (Jonas*) – a street urchin
  • Old Man*
  • Bakers* (Zeke & Jethro)
  • Woman*
  • Disciples (Andrew and Peter)
  • Jesus


Written by Luanne Payne and the Writing Team
Copyright © 2019 by

Bread Icon used with permission, Creative Commons License <a href="">Bread Loaf icon by Icons.


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Last edited by Luanne Payne
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