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(WT) More Lord's Prayer Resources!

This topic features a bunch of good resources for teaching the Lord's Prayer that we either created for this lesson set or came across while brainstorming and writing our Lord's Prayer lessons. We wanted to share them with you!

Feel free to post your suggested resource(s) by replying to this topic.

Printable resources and others linked in the lessons:

Link to the Set's Bible Background. Be sure to see the "additional posts" below the Background which expand on certain topics related to the Lord's Prayer that adults may find interesting and enlightening. 

Lord's Prayer Teacher's Word Guide -- This PDF was created as a handy guide for teachers and is referenced by several of the lessons in this set. It condenses the word-study insights found in the Bible Background and includes some additional comments/questions.

Lord's Prayer Word Cards -- a printable set of cards used in the Rhythm Workshop. Each card has a word from the prayer on one side and its meaning on the other. (Based on the Teacher's Word Guide linked above).

List of the 25 Lord's Prayer Quiz Questions used in the Bible Games Workshop.

"Inflection Game" for Teaching Different Ways to Say the Lord's Prayer Out Loud -- a good teaching exercise for any age group that is used in the Bible Games Workshop. In Word format so you can modify the version of the Lord's Prayer to match your preferred version.

A list of video clips about the Lord's Prayer and/or "praying" that we liked and are free on YouTube. Several of them ended up in our lessons but we found many more that could be used in other settings and with youth.

Last edited by CreativeCarol
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