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Computer Ideas using Kid Pix
#1 Computer Lesson Idea for Armor of God
from Neil MacQueen
After basic Bible study have your kids create a "manual" for dressing in the Armor of God. Software: creative writing and drawing program, such as Kid Pix 3.
[Software Update: Kid Pix 3 and 4, are out of print, for available version is Kid Pix 3-D for more details see here.]
Kids must type these/answer these on the screen as they illustrate.
First you put on ______.
This is used for ____________.
It will help you to _________________.
They can create stock characters and add pieces of "armor" on each new page.
Illustration Possibilities: (1) You can import a picture of a person, you can import pictures/graphics of armor. (2) You can take digital photos of kids wearing the different pieces of armor and IMPORT into Kid Pix 3 and illustrate/type from there. (Importing in Kid Pix 3 is really easy, and so is the digital photography thing. Find someone with a digital camera who knows what they're doing).
If you don't have much time, you can assign different pieces of armor to different computers. Have whole class rotate to each screen to see the presentation. Print pages as they finish to create booklet/wall banner.
#2 Computer Lesson Idea
posted by Naci H. from Metropolitan United Church London, Ontario
Neil: thanks for so much help in everything at rotation.org - your creativity is incredible!!
I am using your computer idea for Armour of God lesson, posted above, but wrote it out in simplified details for our teachers - thought it might save someone else some time figuring out all the details if I shared it here.
Tell the Story.
Read from the Bible of your choice -- Ephesians 6: 10 - 18
Discuss meaning of the pieces of armour in our lives.
Move to computer room (we call it the "Church Mouse Pad')
Computer Activity:
Children will have a picture of themselves on the computer and add the armour to it from KidPix Deluxe 3. Photos were taken in advance and are on a CD labelled with each child’s name.
(Software Update 2020--Kid Pix 3 and 4, are out of print, current available version is Kid Pix 3-D available here.)
How to import your student photos to Kid Pix 4:
- Insert CD into drive (that has students photos).
- Open Kid Pix 4.
- Go to the invisible toolbar at the top of the page and click on it to become “visible” (Kid Pix Deluxe 3 - in version 4 the toolbar is visible all the time).
- Click on “ADD”.
- Click on “Import Background”.
- Click on photo you want.
- Click on “fill canvas without shrinking” (picture will only show up on half of the page instead of distorted on entire page) - also leaves room for writing.
- If there is too much background you can cut out the picture using the icon of the yellow hand – then the scissors - move the cutout , then erase the background – WITH THE PENCIL ERASER – the large eraser will erase the entire picture (don’t do this with the youngest kids – too tricky to erase).
- Add STAMPS of armour type pictures to the photograph being careful not to cover up the child’s face.
Here is a list of stamps kids may wish to use - you may want to create a larger poster to save time searching. SIZE of the stamp can be adjusted to fit picture by first clicking on small, med, large dots - located beside stamps on the left side.
- Write Stuff
#19 - Helmet
- Thrills & Chills
#1 - two different Helmets / a breastplate / a feather
#2 - left arm, right arm, belt (lower body), shoes (lower legs)
#3 - three different shields
- Jumble
#4 - spear (could use as a sword)
- Fantasy
#1 - Green Shield
#3 - Helmet (cool as you can see child through it - requires head facing to the side.)
#3 - Running Knight
#4 - Red Shield
#4 - Standing Knight
- Shapes & Symbols
#1 - Blue Shield
#4 - White Shield
- Hats (Hats & Things - Version 4) (could be creative with their helmet)
- Sleuth (other creative ideas)
- Adventure (has sports equipment)
10. In blank area beside completed picture kids will write the names of each piece of armour and what each piece will help them with. . .
(example: “Belt of truth” will help me to know that God is truth and I should always be truthful).
Click on the Background icon – then on “Self Portraits” (only available in version 3)
Adaption Younger Children:
If this seems too complicated for the 1, 2’s there is a “*paper doll” of armour pieces = two sheets: Prince Doll & Prince Doll Clothes (Also found in the background icon - kids can have fun colouring it on the computer then print it to cut out either in class or at home. (*Note: paper doll is only available in Kid Pix Deluxe 3 - not available in Kid Pix 4.)
Object Lesson Ideas
Relating Hockey Equipment to Armor of God Object Lesson Idea
Posted by Naci H.
Armour of God - one more brilliant idea to use!
To demonstrate how God's armour protects us one of our teachers brought in a full set of hockey equipment (consider all the things protected by the helmet - eyes - ears - mouth - brain) - kids could really relate to this - our (Canada's) national sport!
Video Ideas
Bibleman Video Clip
We used a Bibleman video clip to show the sequence of Bibleman putting on the amour of God every week for the month to learn the amour of God; repeating aloud each item. (1 min. clip) The children totally loved this and by the end of the month many could recite the Amour of God! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEKwrI5MYIM
Posted by Noreene
How about making your own video?
Have the kids create commericals on each piece of armor, why should you buy it? Have a look at Kirk of Kildare's lesson on David & Goliath link and adjust to suit your needs. Have kids spend time deciding how they'll do their commerical, tape them, and then take time to show them back. A different sort of "video" lesson but could be very effective. Posted by CreativeCarol
Here is a lesson, by Staci Woodruff, where they create commercials on the different pieces of armor https://www.rotation.org/topic/...6#295011598215989386