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Here are some photos from the Rotation Model Sunday School at a small central Ohio church.




(The summer we put our computers in tents. Kids loved it.)




Notice the "Egyptian wall" treatment. They are cardboard.





The used theater seats were found locally and bolted to a sturdy but movable platform. Notice the canvas black-out curtain painted to look like a cloud.





Paul's Philippi Prison, a Drama workshop

Walls made with painter's paper drop cloths, duct tape and black pvc.



To make the walls of Paul's prison in a corner of Fellowship Hall, we tacked paper drop cloth to 2 walls, then created the other two walls using tables on end.



For our Goliath Video Workshop, we re-enacted and videotaped David and Goliath. Goliath is sitting on a ladder. Another student's fee stuck out from below. The actors kneeled on their shoes and we covered their feet with a sack. When Goliath fell, we did it by moving the camera, not the ladder!  ...then laid the ladder on its side to show dead Goliath.



An "old-fashioned" video camera output to a monitor so the kids and teacher could see what was being videotaped.




Images (6)
  • hpclab-map
  • computer-hpc
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  • prison
  • Hpccamplake
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm
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