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Reply to "GRACE"

Bible stories in our lesson forums about "Grace"

Grace (undeserved forgiveness and love) figures into A LOT of Bible stories. Here are a few that come to mind.

Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers (grace), One Returns to say Thank You (gratitude)

View our public lesson forum on the Ten Lepers  story, and check out the Writing Team's terrific Ten Lepers lesson set!

Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers lesson for children

Peter "tries" to walk on water and sinks, Jesus saves him (act of grace)

Peter couldn't do it by himself, like him, we receive God's help (which is the definition of grace) to teach him about faith (that it's not enough, we still need grace).

View our public form on this story, and don't forget to check out the Writing Team's "Peter Sinks, Jesus Saves" lesson set.

Peter and Jesus Walk on Water lessons for children

The Parable of the Lost Sheep -- the shepherd going out after the one sheep reveals the tenacious and unrelenting character of God's grace.

View our Lost Sheep, 99 Sheep Forum with lots of Lost Sheep lesson ideas.

Check our the Writing Team's "Lost Sheep, Lost Coin" lesson set!

Parable of the Lost Sheep lesson for children

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

This is the quintessential parable about GRACE -- welcoming the unworthy and restoring them to your family -- not because of what they've done or said, but in spite of it!  The fatted calf, ring, and shoes are signs of grace to the son who only expected to be a hired servant. Will the older son be gracious?

See our public Prodigal Son forum!

Check our the Writing Team's "The Parable of the Prodigal Son"

Yes! The Story of Adam and Eve is a story of GRACE.

Everything they were given was unearned. And when they sinned, God went looking for them and called out to them (knowing exactly where they were and what they had done). When they pointed fingers rather than confess their sins, God sent them out of the Garden -- but did you notice the GRACE NOTE at the end of the story? God made them clothes to cover their "nakedness" and went WITH THEM into the world.

Our Writing Team Adam and Eve lesson set teaches this gracious ending to the story and encourages kids to stand up and confess rather than hide and refuse God's grace.

Adam and Eve lesson set for children

If you're not a supporting member, check out the Adam and Eve story resources in our public forum.

What other major Bible stories can you think of that teach about Grace?

Post your suggestions below!

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