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A Mother's Day "Newsroom Interview" Skit

Posted by member "Landsend," aka Chris.

We created and recorded a Mother's Day News Skit in our Sunday School and showed it to the adults at the Mother's Day Fellowship Hour following worship. The skit included children from Pre-k, Elementary, Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers. The response was terrific!  Feel free to use it as you may.

We recorded the different scenes at different locations --using an actual video camera that allowed us to PAUSE the recording to set up each scene without creating a new recording each time we paused. (Cell phone's usually don't allow you to pause the recording, only stop it, so you end up with several different recordings which is a pain). If someone made a mistake, we had an offscreen person say their line and then the actor repeated it. (that was funny too).

You'll need to organize two moms to be "interviewed," and two dads to "protest."

(Begin with a closeup of the WWJD News graphic)

(Camera zooms in to reporters at News Desk)

Karen Harmen: “Thanks for joining us here at WWJD News, St John’s home for news, weather, and traffic. I’m Karen Harmen ….

Gil Gordon: “And I’m Gil Gordon. First, let’s get you caught up on the weather. Our own Chuck Dakota is standing by.”

(Scene is outside in the Rose Garden)

Chuck Dakota: We’re here outside in beautiful Wyandotte, and let me tell you guys, it is a bit chilly right now, but as soon as everyone gets home with their moms or starts thinking about their moms, the sun is sure to come out and warm you up. Rain or shine, hopefully you have plans to spend time with your mom, or call your mom, or think of your mom if she's no longer around, and may I also suggest doing something in her honor, like planting flowers, or cooking her favorite meal today.  Back to you guys in the newsroom!

(Scene is at News Desk)

KH: Interesting forecast, WOW!

GG: “Indeed, now let’s check in with Cam Cameron to get a look at the traffic conditions right now in your area….. Cam?”

(Scene is in the parking lot, with cars in the backround)

Cam Cameron: “Thanks guys! I’m on the corner of 4th and Oak Street, and looking at the roads right now, traffic appears to be at a standstill trying to get into the Bob Evans on Mother's Day! If your expecting to take your mom anywhere special, give yourself plenty of extra time, there’s nothing but Sunday driver’s out here! Back to you guys.”

(Scene is at the News Desk)

GG: “Thanks Cam.” (Looking over to KH), “Hey Karen, did you remember that today is Mother’s Day?”

KH: “What!?!?! Are you serious?!?!” (Grabs cell phone and dials)

GG: “That’s right! Mother’s are being celebrated all over the country today."

KH: (Talking on cell phone) “Hello? Fabulous Flowers? I would like to order one dozen roses for my mom. What!?!?! $55 for a dozen roses?!?! How much are your Carnations?”…………..”Well how much for one carnation?" ..... "Ok, how much for just the 'love you mom' card?"

GG: "Some people celebrate with gifts of flowers and candy, others celebrate with gifts of love and time. The important thing is that you celebrate the special people in your lives. We turn now to our field reporter Ron Jones who is at a local Sunday school to see why kids think their moms are so special.”

(Scene is interviewing youngsters)

RJ: “We’re here at St John’s Sunday school to ask these kids what they love most about their moms, let’s take a look.”

(RJ Interviews numerous kids- asking why mom is so special)

RJ: “So there you have it. Reporting live from St John’s Sunday school, I’m Ron Jones.”

(Scene is at the News Desk)

KH: “What a great bunch of kids! They should make moms everywhere proud.”

GG: “Speaking of moms, our own Danny Wilson had a chance to catch up with a few moms at a local gathering spot, Dan?”

DW: “That’s right, I’m here on the lookout for moms to see what they would like for Mother’s day, and here’s what they had to say.”

(Interviews of moms from Pancake Breakfast)

DW: “I sure hope our viewers were paying attention. Now you know what mom wants, and you heard it exclusively here on WWJD News. This is Dan Wilson reporting live. Back to you guys.”

(Scene is at News Desk)

GG: “Thanks Dan. Coming up next, we’ll check in with a group of dads who oppose this holiday.”

KH: “That’s right Gil, these guys are actually demanding that this holiday be canceled. (Shaking Head)

GG: “More to come on this story, but first let’s get a word from our sponsor.”

(Commercial Skit from 1-800 Fabulous Flowers.)

(Scene at News Desk)

KH: “We're back! And we now take you "live" to the site of the father's protesting Mother's Day with our field reporter Lisa Bates, Lisa?”

(Scene is outside with group of dads protesting with signs, chanting “NO WAY TO MOTHER’S DAY!”)

LB: “I’m here at the Mother’s day protest site, where these men are against celebrating the holiday for moms. Let’s see if I can talk to one of these guys……”

(Stopping Bob Tims for an interview)

LB: “Excuse me sir, can I have a word with you?”

BT: “Sure”

LB: “Sir, why are you out here protesting?”

BT: “We just want equality. We work just as hard as moms do, taking out the trash once a week, mowing the lawn once a week, fixing up the house after being asked again and again …….we feel we deserve the same recognition as moms do, that’s all.”

LB: “But sir, you are aware of Father’s Day, right?”

BT: <puzzled look> “What?” <Turns to other dads>”Guys, there's a Father’s Day!”

(Dad’s mumbling and throwing signs down, walking away.)

LB: “I think my job is done here, back to you guys.”

(Scene is at News Desk with both News reporters laughing)

KH: “Looks like those guys will be sleeping on the couch tonight.”

GG: “Yeah, smooth move guys! Well, that wraps up today’s edition of WWJD News. We hope you enjoyed our program. This is Gil Gordon….”

KH: “……and this is Karen Harmen signing off. And to all of you mother’s out there…….”

(Closing Screen – Everyone gathered around the news desk Shouting “Happy Mother’s Day!!!”) Inc. is a volunteer-run, 100% member supported, 501(c)3 non-profit Sunday School lesson ministry. You are welcome to borrow and adapt content for non-commercial teaching purposes --as long as both the site and author are referenced. Inc reserves the right to manage, move, condense, delete, and otherwise improve all content posted to the site. Read our Terms of Service. Get a free Registered Membership or become a Supporting Member for full access to all site resources. is rated 5 stars on Google based on 51 reviews. Serving a global community including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa, and more!