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Hannah, Eli, and Samuel Video Workshop


Children will watch the video “Samuel” from Nest (or two alternatives on YouTube mentioned below), learn about Hannah's promise (like their own parent's promise) and Samuel’s faithful response, and consider their own embracing of their parent's promise to dedicate them to the Lord.

Scripture References:

I Samuel, Chapters 1-3
(The video(s) is the scriptural retelling for this lesson.)

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Read the Background information, Teaching Tips and Lesson.
  • Preview the video.
  • Gather the materials

Materials List:

  • Video: Samuel from the Animated Stories from the Bible series by Nest Entertainment (25 min). See preview on YouTube.
  • Alternatively, use the Hannah and Samuel short videos from "God's Story" series posted for free on YouTube by Crossroad Kids. Both are very good and have some life application emphasis.
  • Popcorn

Lesson Plan


Welcome the children as they prepare to watch the videos. Tell the  what they'll be seeing, doing, and learning about today.

Introduce the Story:

Post these questions on the board and tell students to "watch for the answers in the video." After viewing, go over the questions.

  1. How did Hannah learn she was going to have a son?
  2. What did Hannah promise God?
  3. What does the name Samuel mean?
  4. Did your parents make a promise to God about you?  (Yes, at your baptism. Explain the baptismal promise.)
  5. When and how will you hear God's call to serve him?

Here's a brief outline of Nest's "Samuel' video.

DVD Chapter Index:
Hannah Promised a Child
Eli's sons Steal Sacrifice
Eli is Condemned
"Hannah's Song"
Samuel is Taken to the Tabernacle to Serve the Lord
Samuel Witnesses Hophni and Phinehas Wrongdoings
Samuel is Visited by His Mother
The Lord Speaks to Samuel
=you may wish to stop here=
Samuel Tells Eli His Day of Judgment has Come
The Ark is Taken From the Tabernacle
Hophni and Phinehas are Slain and Eli Dies
Samuel Serves the Lord as a Prophet

Hand out the popcorn and a drink and start the video!

After the Video(s)

Review the questions you posted and have the students answer and discuss them.

Zero-in on the practice of infant baptism, if it is part of your tradition, and review the promise that parents make at their child's baptism.  Consult with your pastor or church's baptismal liturgy to hear what parents promise.

If your church doesn't practice infant or child baptism, it may have a "child dedication" liturgy it uses instead.


  1. Do you think Samuel could have rejected his mother's promise to dedicate him as a servant of the Tabernacle?
  2. Samuel was "asleep" and God woke him up. How can a person be "asleep to God," unaware, neglecting, and what can wake up a person's faith?
  3. What helped Samuel's decision to serve God?
  4. What words did Samuel use when the call of God came to him?    Review 1 Samuel 3:10 --The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
  5. How are YOU listening for God?  (name some of the ways)
  6. What questions does God want to ask you?
  7. How will you answer with words?  With actions?   (Tip: Write their answers for all to see under the title "Waking Up to God's Call")


Practice saying out loud the memory verse, "Speak, for your servant is listening" and then one-at-a-time, have each student say it as a prayer. Close with silence, then the words, "Lord help us listen to and serve you. Amen."

A lesson written by Jaymie Derden, State Street UMC, Bristol, VA
Update by the Content Team


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