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This topic features an old discussion about "painting" with icing and includes a recipe.

See the post below about making the cookie paint with egg yolks, painting the dough, THEN baking the cookies (to avoid salmonella).

Painting Christmas Cookies


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  • cookie paint
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Original Post

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This is not frosting, but cookie paint that was a major tradition when I was growing up, so I also did it with my own kids.
It was simply an egg yolk with food coloring added to make "paint". It was brushed on cut-out sugar cookies before baking.
Hope that helps!
Jan Snell



I haven't actually used this particular recipe, but I found one that says it can be painted on. It calls for: 5 cups powdered sugar, 1/2 cup plus 1 tblsp milk, and paste food coloring. (You could probably add some lemon juice in place of some of the milk, to cut the sweetness and get the flavor you remember.) To make icing, beat together the sugar and milk until smooth. Divide into bowls and add the food coloring. cover with plastic wrap to keep from hardening. Spread on cookies and allow to harden. This recipe should ice 2-3 dozen cookies, depending on size.


Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer
Powdered Sugar and Milk is how I always make frosting. It will make a regular frosting - I don't know if that is what you are trying for. We usually put in a little oleo and a little vanilla extract too. It can be made to about any consistency depending on the sugar to milk ratio and dries hard (hard enough to stack the cookies, but soft enough to still be yummy).

(Powdered sugar and OJ also makes a good glaze for cakes!)
Thanks to you all! I had only read about the egg yolk recipe and the salmonella warning before our class on December 9. (Thanks for the warning!!! I didn't know it was THAT prevalent!!) So, I ended up buying a regular container of store brand creamy white frosting, adding a bit of water and then adding food colors. It was thin enough to paint on the cookies. I had all kinds of sprinkles, which were a tremendous hit (as usual). Thanks again! I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!!!

Cookie Paint


Home for Christmas, I found this recipe for Edible Tempra Paint for cookies in Mom's recipe box. It's a "paint then bake" recipe.

2 egg yolks
2 t. liquid food coloring

Beat yolks in small dish. Divide among 4 cups (1 1/2 t. each).

For blue or green: stir in 1/4 t. food coloring in each cup.

Other colors: 1/2 t.

Black: 1 whole egg yolk
1 1/2 t. green coloring
1 1/2 t. red coloring
5 drops of blue coloring

Paint cookies before baking with paintbrushes. Bake as recipe directs.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

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