Photos of Computer Workshops in the Rotation Model
Learn more about the Computer Workshop in the Rotation Model.
Computers in Sunday School at the Immanuel Evangelical Church in Needville TX.
Read more about their experience here.
Notice the "guide by the side" approach to teaching with software.
This fuzzy picture shows the first-ever computer lab in a Workshop Rotation Model Sunday School. It was taken in 1991 at Presbyterian Church of Barrington, IL. The kids are studying Paul's Journeys using a Bible and Bible Map program. Note the IBM 386 PC!
Note the "Guide by the Side" position of the teacher
Community UMC, Monticello MN
Like most other workshops in the Rotation Model, the Computer Workshop or "Lab" often gains a theme. St Thomas' lab above has a space theme.
The photo above illustrates how focused kids' attention gets with a computer. This photo was actually taken inside a giant inflatable whale for their Jonah rotation.
Cooperative learning is commonplace around a computer!