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Welcome to our Sunday School teacher training and recruiting resource forum here in's "General Sunday School and Children's Ministry Topics and Resource Forum."  Many of these discussions and resources are open to everyone, however, you must be a Registered (free) or Supporting Member to view and print some of the resources in this forum. Join here

Sunday School Teacher Training is pleased to offer the following printable and shareable "Paste in My Hair" Teacher Training articles and handouts for Sunday School teachers.

MOST of them are part of our wonderful collection of Supporting Member resources and require a Supporting Membership to fully view. If you aren't yet a supporter, see all the benefits and join now! Some of the following are open to everyone.

Each is formatted as a single-page PDF to make them easy to digest, discuss, print, and share via email. Several also have expanded versions posted as articles here at our site. Most are perfect for discussing at a teacher training event and with your committee.

  • Written for Sunday School teachers, leaders, and committees to share and discuss.
  • Designed with all types of Sunday Schools in mind.
  • Applicable to all forms of children's ministry.

Menu of Teacher Training Printables

A Supporting Membership is required to view most of these resources. Why? Because our amazing Supporting Members make this site possible. Join now! In addition to access to these resources, you'll also get access to all our Writing Team lesson plans, and more!
See the full list of Supporting Member benefits

  1. Ten Great Reasons to Teach Sunday SchoolTen Great Reasons to Teach Sunday School
    -- a list of reasons and encouragements to share with teachers and to help recruit Sunday School teachers and promote the benefits of being a Sunday School teacher! -- a 1-page PDF.

    We created "Ten Great Reasons" to help with recruitment and create discussion. Share it, or excerpt it for your communications.

  2. Teacher "Be-attitudes" ...Be-on time, Be-prepared, Be-joyful... (and more). This Sunday School teacher training handout excerpts insights from our Be-attitudes Teacher Training Event. Share and discuss these Teacher Be-attitudes with our teachers at your next event. Share them via email or excerpt them for your own communications.

  3. WT-Apple"Low Hanging Fruit" to glean creative teaching ideas straight from the scripture text itself.  ...a printable, shareable excerpt from our full article about "Low Hanging Fruit."  This lesson brainstorming and lesson planning article was originally written to train our Writing Team teachers. It reveals the surprising source of many of our Writing Team's and Lead Writer's creative ideas --- words and actions from the scripture itself.

  4. Life Application Questions for Every Sunday School Lesson"What Would Jesus Ask?" ...classroom discussion questions and life application emphasis you can ask in every lesson. Includes a printable graphic of kid-friendly discussion questions and reminders to keep Jesus in all our lessons. Share it. Discuss it. Post it!

  5. Teaching Kids About Jesus in every Sunday School LessonDoes Your Teaching Have a "Jesus Gap"? See this eye-opening article here and use it to evaluate your lessons and teaching. How are you teaching who Jesus really is? Are you teaching him in the past tense or present?

  6. "How to Do a Bible Word Study" on your lesson's scripture that will expand your teaching vocabulary and stoke the generation of creative Sunday School lesson ideas using insights straight from the scripture text itself. 1 page PDF designed to teach and be discussed. See the full article for more examples.

  7. 18 Ways to Use a Cellphone in a Sunday School Lesson"18 Ways to Use Your Cellphone in the Classroom" -- a shareable PDF.  Most teachers already have with them in the classroom this powerful and creative communication device called a cellphone. This article helps Sunday School teachers use their cellphones in fun and lesson-enhancing ways. 1 page PDF. See a large excerpt of the full PDF here, read more "ways" we've added, and add your ideas.

  8. "How to Unpack Bible Metaphors with Children" -- 2-page PDF
    Piaget was wrong! Until recently it was believed that children didn't have the capacity for the abstract thinking required to understand Bible metaphors. This article shows how that thinking has changed and charts four simple steps to "unpacking" metaphors with children in Sunday School, ...because "unpacking" metaphors is what Sunday School teachers doRead an excerpt of the full PDF.

  9. "The Four Questions Every Teacher Should Ask Their Students"
    We recommend you read the full article for the full details and examples of how to use each of the four questions in a lesson plan. The one-page PDF condensed version of the article is good for sharing and discussion.

  10. Sunday School Outreach to Students"Connecting and Caring Beyond the Classroom"
    Intentional outreach to students beyond the classroom is a personal blessing, a great opportunity to minister to kids, and grow better students and disciples. This article (and available PDF) has many suggestions for just how to do that. Share it, discuss it, and make a gameplan!  This article is open to everyone.

  11. The Seven Secrets of Super Teachers!
    Preparation, structure, modeling, discipline, and more "secrets" that make a teacher super. Print, share, and discuss this PDF!  See a great excerpt of the article here.  Supporting Members can view/print/save the full PDF.
    This article is open to everyone.

  12. Tips for Teaching with Software in Sunday School ~ A Printable Pamphlet
    For teachers preparing to teach with software and internet resources in their Sunday School classroom. Open to everyone.

  13. Safe Sunday School
    Tips and practices for safe and clean Sunday Schools -- as recommended by Sunday School leaders, teachers, healthcare experts, the CDC, and the leaders and members of, Includes building safety tips.
    Print and discuss this with your teachers, leaders, and committees.

  14. "Leap of Faith" ~ an exciting discussion-starting video
    A video discussion starter about what it feels like to plan for the fall in these challenging times -- for teachers, leaders, and committees. Includes a discussion guide!

Members: Get it here.    Visitors: See a preview.



About These Resources is grateful to First Presbyterian of Birmingham Michigan for their generous donation in 2019 that allowed us to afford the time and professional help to create and post many of these Sunday School Teacher Training resources. Together with our Supporting Members, the supporting members of FPC Birmingham make possible.

If you'd like to learn how you can support these "extra effort" resources at, email at, or make an "over and above" online contribution now.

Paste in My Hair Writers and Team Members:
A number of volunteers have had a hand in creating these training resources:  Heidi Weber, Carol Hulbert, Amy Crane, and Robin Stewart. The Lead Writer on this project is Neil MacQueen.

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Free Sunday School Teacher Training Resources


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  • Secrets of Super Teachers
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Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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Lesson or Resource Inc. is a volunteer-run, 100% member supported, 501(c)3 non-profit Sunday School lesson ministry. You are welcome to borrow and adapt content for non-commercial teaching purposes --as long as both the site and author are referenced. Inc reserves the right to manage, move, condense, delete, and otherwise improve all content posted to the site. Read our Terms of Service. Get a free Registered Membership or become a Supporting Member for full access to all site resources. is rated 5 stars on Google based on 51 reviews. Serving a global community including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa, and more!
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