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This topic provides some reviews and recommendations of various Bible Video Series out there, with the potential to be in your teaching. Many were originally on DVD and still are, and many have moved to YouTube.

Some of these series are 'old' and may be hard to find, but still worth teaching with especially if you have them in your church library or can find them online. (Google them.)

This thread is NOT a comprehensive review of every series out there. Rather, we've simply added reviews as series have come to our attention. If you have a review of a specific video (such as one about Moses, post it in the correct Bible story Video Workshop topic, such as Moses).  

Who's posting these particular reviews? Various Board members, super members, and our webmaster. This is a curated list as officially doesn't recommend everything under the sun.

Some of these reviews are honest. We are sorry if our honesty upsets you. All reviews are the opinion of the poster. (Note: they do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Directors of

Here are a few of the series reviewed in this topic:

Friends & Heros

Great Bible Discovery

Greatest Heroes & Legends of the Bible

Hanna Barbera's "The Greatest Adventure"

Ted & Company (includes "The Creation Chronicles" Study Guide)

Nest Entertainment Animated Bible Videos

SuperBook (All new 3D style animation and storytelling)

Testament: The Bible in Animation

The New (or Old) Testament Bible Stories for Children by Under God's Rainbow
   AKA — Jesus: A Kingdom without Frontier Series (NT) / In the Beginning Series (OT)

The Visual Bible (Mathew, Acts, and John) & The Visual Bible for Kids
     (DVD chapters breakdown attachments provided for Matthew, Acts, and John)

The Voice of the Martyrs (The Witness Trilogy - God With Us  (Previously called - Jesus: He Lived Among Us) / The Messengers / To Every Nation)

What's in the Bible?

Read and Share Bible DVD (Tommy Nelson) plus the Jesus Movie from the same series review is found here.

Last edited by Luanne Payne
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nest Entertainment Videos

A review by member "CJ"

Overall rating: Thumbs up!

Lots of members have recommended the Nest Entertainment Bible videos for many years, as do I.  They stick to the story and have Disney-quality animation. At 30 minutes each, they fit nicely into class and leave room for discussion.

Some stick to a single story like the Prodigal Son, some cover several stories together. There are over three dozen in this series, so understandably some are better than others. Preview!

They also come with 'extras' on the DVD and they have activity/workbooks that have coloring pages and puzzles than can be purchased for a very low price.

The only caveat is that they are a bit sanitized by today's standards, so they're more suitable for younger kids. Some videos in their series are better than others, so preview them ahead of time. If I had one complaint, it's that one or two of the Jesus videos that I've seen in the series depict him as the statue-esque looking Jesus and with blue eyes. They seem to have corrected that in others.

Note: Look in the Video Workshop topic for your Bible story in our Lesson Forum to see which video others are recommending. Also, see what our Writing Team recommends for your story.

One of the questions a member asked was whether or not it was worth updating their VHS collection of the series with the newer DVD version --because the DVDs come with some "extra" content, such as quizzes you can show on screen.

(Yes, some churches still have VHS tapes and VCRs, though fewer and fewer each year as VCRs are nearly out of production. Update: You can sometimes preview one of their video by watching a low res shortened version on YouTube.)

Member Hillary wrote: We have purchased a couple of the Nest videos because we liked the lessons we found for them here on We purchased one workbook for a particular video and did not use it for that particular lesson, opting instead for something more active after using the video.

Note: The workbooks for each video in question are notNest Bible Videos Activity Workbook always easy to find on Nest's site. Sometimes they offer them for free, other times you have to pay a small amount to get them. Seems like they continue to change how they offer them.

Look on their website for the "activity book" usually for sale in and around the page for the DVD.


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  • Nest Bible Videos He is Risen
  • Nest Bible Videos Activity Workbook
Last edited by Luanne Payne

I have not really used the Nest Bible video workbooks as I tend not to put coloring pages and puzzles in my lesson plans.

However, I'm sold on the new DVDs as they include a quiz. I've found that this is a nice way to round out the lesson and check what the children learned as it will show a clip from the movie if they need help with a question. They do have one question using a video clip from another movie in the series, which I consider a bit of self-promotion, but other than that, I like it. Big Grin


Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Another review: Nest Videos

Eliana wrote that some of the animated characters in the Nest series are "old fashioned" or stereotyping in their depiction of good and bad characters (bad characters with big noses and whiny voices, for example).

I suggest that if you decide to use a video from this series, preview it and call attention to such stereotypes, and why in this day and age we try NOT to do that!. Teaching children to critique the stuff generated by Hollywood is going to be more effective in the long run than isolating them from it. The older videos we have from this series begin with a disclaimer, explaining that the conflicts depicted in the series are not meant to be anti-Jewish. I'm not sure if the newer ones do -- I'll have to check.

Review of: Hanna Barbera "The Greatest Adventure" series

Overall rating: Thumbs down

Hanna Barbera's Greatest Adventure Bible videos were the first "great" animated series of Bible stories. Back when we had few if any choices, most churches used them. But today, we have many better choices, and this series seems very dated. Hanna Barbera was a major animated back in the day. They gave us Scooby Doo, for example.

The ethnic stereotyping of the Hanna Barbera "The Greatest Adventure" series is pretty bad. The caucasian-American kids are smart, but their foolish dark-skinned Middle-Eastern guide is always getting them into trouble. Same true for the "sinister" characters. The video story-telling also adds non-biblical storytelling around the adventures of the kids who have somehow been transported into the story. Not bad, but not always appreciated. The NEW SUPERBOOK videos use this same idea but do a much better job of using the story of the kids to add life application to the Bible story.


Review updated with additional details by Moderator

Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Volunteer Moderator notes:  This material was moved here from the questions forum.

A review of:

The New Testament Bible Stories for Children video series

AKA: "Jesus: A Kingdom without Frontiers" NT series

AKA: "Bible Stories for Children New Testament"
or "Bible Stories for Children Old Testament"
currently being distributed through CBD by "Under God's Rainbow"

Overall rating: Thumbs up
...depending on which of the DVDs in the series you're talking about.

Posted on 11/12/12 by ZBCC

Anyone ever use the Kingdom Without Frontiers video(s) sold by Under God's Rainbow?  They seem to have a lot of Bible stories covered for a very reasonable price.  Curious to know if anyone has any opinions or experience using these DVD's.

Posted on 11/22/12  by Luanne Payne

These were first done in 1998 by MONDO TV adameveinternational publishing house that does animated Bible videos.

They were distributed by CCC of America on VHS 51ubbw8BztL._AC_US160_under two names, "Jesus: A Kingdom Without Frontiers" NT videos and "In the Beginning" OT videos.

They have been repackaged as "The New (or Old) Testament Bible Stories for Children" DVD series by Under God's Rainbow.

There are many clips from this series on YouTube and not all of them are attributed.

There were 26 video's in the NT series and 24 video's in the OT series.  I have only seen two of them, "The Boy Jesus in the Temple" (I liked), "Prophets in the Desert" (I didn't like).

They are a "classic" style animation, and as with a lot of these videos they will add to the story line to fill the 30 minutes.  Which isn't necessarily a bad thing as it's always good to have the children watch for things found in the bible and things not found in the bible.  In some cases, the storytelling expansions do serve the purpose of the story itself.

At the end of each video, they include a 3-4 minute "tutorial" on the history of that time at the end of the videos. Depending on your audience, and which of the episodes we're talking about, you may find them very useful.


They are being redistributed under a new series name "The New Testament Bible Stories for Children" and "The Old Testament Bible Stories for Children" now being distributed by "Under God's Rainbow."

We found them at Christian Book Distributors.


You can see parts of them on You Tube - just do a search for "Bible Stories for Children New Testament" or "Bible Stories for Children Old Testament" by Allegro Media.  

Here's one about the Temptation of Jesus,


Posted on 12/3/12 by Scotland UCC

I purchased one of the "Under God's Rainbow" DVDs today at our regional Christian bookstore in hopes of possibly finding a resource for a rotation on Jeremiah in a year or so.  The selection, "The Prophets" caught my eye in that one episode entitled, "Jerusalem Burns" covers the fall of Jerusalem.  I don't know that I've ever seen that story put on film for kids before.  The first half of that episode was kind of interesting watching the portrayal of Jerusalem's destruction, especially the depiction of the sacking of the Temple.  Unfortunately it didn't have much about Jeremiah in it.  While the video shifted to Ezekiel, there really wasn't enough about him in it either to support a lesson plan.

Overall, after watching two out of three episodes on the DVD, I'd say don't waste your time on this series.  The storyline in this particular DVD is rather disjointed and just hard to watch.

It would be interesting to see how Nest Entertainment would produce the same story, but alas, it seems as if they've stopped producing new Bible videos in their series.

Any audio/video teaching ideas/suggestions on Jeremiah besides the movie on "Jeremiah" starring Patrick Dempsey and short segments of the "What's in the Bible?" DVD on the prophets? These are the only two resources that I've found that cover Jeremiah and the fall of Jerusalem.

Originally Posted on 12/4/12 by Neil MacQueen

Thanks for the review Ron. Too bad those particular "episodes" weren't good for you.


I've seen several of these now, and depending on WHICH of the videos in the series we're talking about, I do like some of them. Chapter 6: Jesus is Tested (about the wilderness temptation) is very good, for example. I don't mind the extra-storytelling elements in that video because they speak to Jesus' character. For example, the video shows him quoting scripture as he heads into the wilderness.

Share your experiences with a particular VIDEO SERIES by using "Post Reply."


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  • KingdomWithout-JesusisTestedDVD
  • adameve
  • 51ubbw8BztL._AC_US160_
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Review of The Visual Bible Series
with Outlines

Overall rating: Thumbs up for certain scenes in each DVD.


  • The Visual Bible: Matthew (2 Dvds)
  • The Visual Bible: Acts (2 Dvds)
  • The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John

The MATTHEW DVD from Visual Bible features Bruce Marciano portraying Jesus with an American accent. Sometimes called "the laughing Jesus," Marciano's portrays Jesus as eager, happy, and personable. He is seen hugging and laughing. This portrayal is off-putting to some adults who want a more "stately" or "English" Jesus, but kids really seem to respond to Marciano's Jesus in the MATTHEW DVD. A narrator provides the "word for word" reading when Jesus or others are not speaking. Chapter and verse appear on screen as the movie progresses.  There are preview copies on YouTube people have posted. Be sure to purchase a copy if you're going to teach with it. Here's one link to a preview copy:

The GOSPEL of JOHN DVD from Visual Bible features a more "typical movie Jesus" with an English accent and spiritual tone. Of course, unlike the other Gospels, the Gospel of John is full of "Jesus speeches," and thus, some of the DVD's material will be a little too thick and obtuse for children (it depends on the scene/story you are showing). A narrator provides the "word for word" reading when Jesus or others are not speaking. There are preview copies on YouTube people have posted. Be sure to purchase a copy if you're going to teach with it. Here's one link to a preview copy:

The ACTS DVD from Visual Bible feels more like a reverent TV mini-series of the Book of Acts. It does a good job of dramatizing many of Acts scenes, chapter by chapter. Chapter and verse appear on screen as the movie progresses. A narrator provides the "word for word" reading when Jesus or others are not speaking.There are preview copies on YouTube people have posted. Be sure to purchase a copy if you're going to teach with it. Here's one link to a preview copy:

Note: A Chapters Breakdown of each of the above titles is attached to this post, see below.

Also, included is the chapter breakdown for the shortened movie version of Acts above, which is on one DVD broken into two parts "Falling Fire" and  "The Passion." Provided by Luanne Payne.

Review of "The Visual Bible for Kids"
(now out of print but still in circulation)

Overall rating: "ok"

The Visual Bible for Kids DVDs are edited versions of The Visual Bible: Matthew and The Visual Bible: Acts, -inter-spliced with scenes of children who are "learning" the stories. Produced by Thomas Nelson but now OUT OF PRINT. Only available on VHS. (Viewable at The intent was to make the Visual Bible material more palatable for younger kids with shorter attention spans, and include "what it means." The results are uneven. Some scenes are better than others.

Titles in this now-defunct series:

  • The Story Behind the Cross - Used in a lesson here. Rated for ages 6+, is somewhat graphic
  • The Great Storyteller - Rated for ages 7-12. Stories told are: Ten Lepers, Feeding 5000, Calming the Storm, Walks on Water.
  • The Birth of Jesus
  • The Story You Can Believe In - Saul/Paul on the road to Damascus
  • The Great Escape - Peter and Paul freed from prison by a miracle, Paul surviving a shipwreck
  • The Stories of Jesus - stories include when Jesus spoke about children, and when he showed strong emotion such as anger, and sadness. (Not recommended for young children).


Last edited by Luanne Payne

Review of:  Friends and Heroes Bible DVD series

Overall rating: thumbs up??

Needs more input !!

Volunteer Moderator notes: This material was originally posted by Neil MacQueen in two separate posts on July 11, 2012 and on Dec. 7, 2012. These two posts have been combined here...

The Friends and Heroes Bible DVD series isn't well known in the USA. It was created in the UK with modern high production values and animation, and was broadcast on the BBC in the late 2000's. Produced under a cultural grant on the Isle of Man, the creative team includes talent from Disney and Lucasfilm to mention a few. I have no connection with these DVDs, but I have seen several of them and like them.


Each 30 minute episode features young children in Bible times (Macky and Portia) facing a situation or dilemma, and being taught a Bible story in response, and learning valuable lessons.

In many ways, these videos follow in the tradition of the famous Hanna-Barbera Bible videos - but with greater sensitivity and modern production values. The animation and music is Disney-esque.

One of the NICE things about each episode, is that they have VISUALLY SEPARATED the "Macky and Portia storyline" from the "Bible story storyline."

Macky and Portia, for example, do not appear in theabe-example Abraham story, they are learning about it. The Bible stories are tucked into a larger story about children and their family/friends set in the Roman occupied city of Alexandria. They are refugees from Galilee. (The dad knew Jesus.) In each storyline they come to two decision points where a Bible story is 'remembered' to them to help guide their actions.

The Bible story portions are in a distinct 3D animated style, whereas the "kids adventure" storyline is in 2D cartoon style.

Both are well done

Dramatic, and "kid-intense" (Lots of soldiers and bad the Bible itself).
Ages 1st through 6th grade, though I personally wouldn't hesitate to show many of the episodes to my Kindergartners. (Always preview a video ahead of time. You know your kids best.)

The 2 Bible stories presented within each episode are introduced as "remember what Jesus said?" or "remember the story of Daniel's bravery?" etc. A teacher could simply fast-forward to those presentations (they are in exquisite 3d style but only last about 3 minutes each).

Seem very suitable for home, but also for Fellowship groups. I could see them used in Sunday School --but the focus of each episode is not exactly on one specific story, so you'd have to unpack the 30 minute video with the kids.

You can EXCERPT the portions you want to show.

That said, let me suggest that your KIDS will love the kids' storyline, and they function like "life application".  The kids' storyline also teaches life in Bible times. Some of your teachers may need to be educated about Macky and Portia's important role as 'stand-ins' for our students.

The series has a wealth of stories about PAUL from ACTS, as well as, covering many Bible stories you don't often see in newer animated videos, such as Amos, and Samuel and Eli.

Below is a list of the DVDs organized by Bible Stories that I "cribbed" from the Friends and Heroes website, and have attached their PDF as well. I wish the Bible stories were in BIBLE BOOK order rather than alphabetical, but this order is good enough.

Bible Stories in Alphabetical Order from the Friends and Heroes Bible DVD series

Bible Story | Bible References | DVD Number + Episode Title

Old Testament

Abraham and three strangers Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-7 FH31 Senators Only
Amos speaks out Amos 7:10-17 FH27 Gladiator School
Daniel and the Lions' Den Daniel 6:1-24a FH01 Long Journey

David and Goliath 1 Samuel 17:1-51 FH03 Leviathan
David and Jonathan 1 Samuel 18:5-9; 20 FH29 Friends, Romans and Mystery Men
David and Mephibosheth 2 Samuel 4 and 9 FH30 Sowing the Seeds
David and three Soldiers 2 Samuel 23:13-17 FH28 School's Out
David spares Saul's life 1 Samuel 26 FH19 Unwilling Guests
David the Musician and King Saul 1 Samuel 16:14-23 FH03 Leviathan

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal 1 Kings17:1; 18:1, 5-8, 16-39; 19:1-16 FH13 No Turning Back
Elijah and the poor widow 1 Kings 17:1-16 FH34 Give and Take
Elijah, Ahab and Naboth's vineyard 1 Kings chapter 21 FH16 The Ram
Elisha and Naaman 2 Kings 5:1-17 FH20 Aid and Comfort
Elisha and the woman with olive oil 2 Kings 4:1-7, 42-44 FH22 The Big Lift
Esther the Queen Esther chapters 2-7 FH09 Doing Our Part

Gideon and the Midianites Judges 6:1-16; 7:1-22 FH05 True Heroes
Jacob and Esau Genesis chapters 25; 27; 32; 33 FH15 Over Walls
Jethro the Midianite welcomes Moses the stranger Exodus 2:11-23 FH23 Home
Jonah and the Big Fish Jonah 1-2; 3:1-6 FH12 No Way Out

Joseph and his Brothers Genesis 37:1-4, 18-36; 41:41-57; 42-44; 45:1-15 FH10 Horseplay
Joseph and Pharaoh's Dreams Genesis 40:1-8; 41:1-44 FH32 Senators First

King David captures Jerusalem 2 Samuel 5:1-9; 1 Chronicles 11:1-9 FH14 One of Us
Michal's rescue of David from King Saul 1 Samuel 18:6-11; 19:9-18 FH17 Rescue Strangers

Moses and the Egyptian Slavemaster Exodus 2:1-15 FH06 Sweet Freedom
Moses and the Exodus 3; 4:1-12; 5; 7:14-25; 8-14 FH11 Exodus
Moses and the miracle water Exodus 15:22-25; 16:1-3, 11-15; 17:1-6 FH18 Prince for a Day
Moses and the Ten Commandments Exodus 20:1-17 FH39 The Road Ahead
Moses, the desert trek and manna from heaven Exodus 16:11-26 FH25 Toadie on Trial

Noah and the Ark Genesis 6-8; 9:12-17 FH26 Hope
Rahab and the Spies Joshua 2:1-24; 6:22-25 FH04 False Heroes
Ruth and Naomi Ruth 1:1-22; 2:1-16 FH07 Lost in Alexandria

Samson and Delilah Judges 16:4-30 FH02 A Friend in High Places
Samuel anoints Saul 1 Samuel 9; 10:1-16 FH33 Rome Alone
Shadrach and the Furnace Daniel 3:1-27 FH08 The One that Got Away
Solomon’s wisdom with a baby 1 Kings 3:16-28 FH24 Desperate Measures
The Boy Samuel and Eli 1 Samuel 1:1-28; 3:1-19 FH21 Hostages

New Testament

Bible Story | Bible References | DVD Number + Episode Title

Herod and the Wise Men Matt 2:1-18 FH21 Hostages
Jesus and the Lepers Luke 17:11-19 FH37 Betrayal
Jesus and the Moneylenders Mark 11:15-17 FH35 Spies and Lies
Jesus and the Rich Young Man Mark 10:17-23 FH39 The Road Ahead
Jesus and the Roman tax Mark 12: 13-17 FH36 Conflict
Jesus and the Widow's Offering Mark 12:41-44 FH36 Conflict
Jesus and Zacchaeus the tax collector Luke 19:1-10 FH31 Senators Only
Jesus before Pilate Mark 15:1-15 FH38 Trials and Tribulations
Jesus' Birth and the Revelation to the Shepherds Luke 2:1-38 FH05 True Heroes
Jesus raises Jairus's daughter Luke 8:40-56 FH32 Senators First
Jesus calms the storm Mark 4:35-41 FH29 Friends, Romans and Mystery Men

Jesus carries his cross Mark 15:16-23 FH38 Trials and Tribulations
Jesus cures a sick woman Mark 5:21, 25-34 FH20 Aid and Comfort
Jesus feeds the five thousand Mark 6:30-44 FH22 The Big Lift
Jesus heals a paralysed Man Mark 2:1-12 FH35 Spies and Lies
Jesus heals Blind Bartimaeus Mark 10:46-52 FH33 Rome Alone

Jesus in the temple as a boy Luke 2:41-52 FH14 One of Us
Jesus rides into Jerusalem Mark 11:1-11 FH35 Spies and Lies
Jesus seen on the road Luke 24:13-43 FH39 The Road Ahead
Jesus Speaks in Nazareth Luke 4:14-24, 28-30 FH28 School's Out
Jesus washes the Disciples' feet John 13:2-15 FH37 Betrayal
John the Baptist Luke 3:1-16, 21-22 FH27 Gladiator School

Joseph of Cyprus (Barnabas) Acts 4:32-37 FH09 Doing Our Part
Paul and Barnabas Acts 14:8-20 FH17 Rescue Strangers
Paul and Elymas Acts 13:4-12 FH18 Prince for a Day
Paul and the Shipwreck Acts chapter 27; 2 Corinthians 11:25ff FH16 The Ram
Paul appeals to Caesar Acts 24:27 - 25:12 FH24 Desperate Measures
Paul escapes from the mob Acts 17:1-10a FH23 Home
Paul escapes in a basket 2 Corinthians 11:32-33 FH15 Over Walls
Paul speaks to Agrippa Acts 25:13 to 26:1, 9-29 FH26 Hope
Paul, Silas and the earthquake Acts 16:16-36 FH19 Unwilling Guests
Paul's Disappearance Acts 28: 15-24; 30-31 FH125 Toadie on Trial

Peter released from Prison Acts 12:1-17 FH03 Leviathan
Peter and John heal a Lame man Acts 3:1-16; 4:1-22; 5:17-42 FH08 The One that Got Away
Peter heals Aeneas and raises Tabitha Acts 9: 32-42 FH04 False Heroes
Peter's friendship with Cornelius Ats 10:9-28 FH02 A Friend in High Places
Philip and Simon the  Sorcerer Acts 8:4-23 FH10 Horseplay
Saul on the Road to Damascus Acts 9:1-18 FH06 Sweet Freedom

The Crucifixion Mark 15:24-37 FH38 Trials and Tribulations
The First Pentecost Acts 2:1-21 FH13 No Turning Back
The House built on a Rock Matthew 7:24-29 FH30 Sowing the Seeds
The Last Supper Matthew 26:17-30 FH11 Exodus
The Last Supper and Jesus' Arrest Mark 14:17-19; 29-46, 53, 66-72 FH37 Betrayal
The Miraculous Catch of Fish Luke 5:5-11 FH01 Long Journey

The Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:30-37 FH07 Lost in Alexandria
The Parable of the Lost Sheep Matthew 18:10-14 FH34 Give and Take
The Parable of the Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-32 FH12 No Way Out
The Parable of the Sower Matthew 13:1-9 FH30 Sowing the Seeds
The Parable of the Tenants in the Vineyard Mark 12:1-9 FH36 Conflict

Attached is the original PDF I found buried on the Friends website. It's a nice reference for your lesson planning.  I copied its text here so that the stories on it would be searchable by members here at our site looking for story resources.


(Dear Moderators, posting the pdf and screenshots is not a copyright violation because it constitutes "Fair Use" under copyright laws --where copying it here as part of a positive recommendation effectively promotes the product, ...which I'm glad to do because it's good stuff.)


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  • macky-portia
  • abe-example
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Last edited by Luanne Payne

Volunteer Moderator notes: This material was moved from another area and continues to be updated here.

Review of:

Testament: The Bible in Animation Videos

1996, BBC

Overall rating: Thumbs up (for some in the series!)

Now available on YouTube.

Add your thoughts by using "Post Reply"

Posted on 7/11/12 by Neil MacQueen 

This series was produced and shown in the Wales/UK. Pretty high end look and very interesting. Won some Emmys.  In reply to Julie's comment below about Elijah's demonic look... his hair is wild, and I kindof like it. Elijah was described as being "zealous for the Lord" -and that's something I can be playful with in the lesson (maybe passing around some hair gel prior to the video). 

 Posted on 7/3/01 by Julie Burton

If you're talking about the one that HBO aired a few years ago, they were hit & miss. I liked the claymation stories, but the animation stories didn't do much for me.

In the story of Elijah he looks more like a demon than a man of God! Check and see if your resource center has them or local churches and definitely preview them first!

Posted on 5/18/02 by Barb Swihart

"Testament. Bible in Animation" is absolutely the best series I have seen on individual people of the Bible. We buy any that fit our topics for the year. I wish there were more.

Posted on 5/22/02 by Jan Napa Testament: Ruth [from YouTube)

Just previewed "Ruth" in this "Testament" series. Liked the claymation, but a few parts of the story seemed too "heavy/dark" for younger kids. I'd show it to older kids though. Since this is the only video in this series I've seen, I'd definitely preview them and decide on a case by case basis.

Editor's note: You can see many of these video on YouTube.
9/24/16 Luanne adds:  I love this clay animation video!  What I especially loved was that it includes Ruth 4:7-9 where Boaz seals the redemption deal with the closer kinsman for Ruth at the City Gates (a contract is sealed by a man's removal of his shoe and giving it to another.)  The heavy/dark parts that Jan refers to above is surrounding the death of Naomi's husband and two sons (they are in a cave with the three coffins saying their farewells prior to Naomi leaving).  I've had no problems showing it to children 4 and up, but we always have a discussion before the film.  But, you know your children best, and if it's a concern for any of them I'd simply forward through any scene(s) that you are concerned about.     


Moderator moved here from the Help Forum.

i've been looking for DVD resources for Noah's Ark and Creation for a couple of years.  I know that the Testament DVD series is well respected, and our church has used their Jonah DVD in the past.  

Well, I purchased the "Creation & the Flood" DVD (Testament Series) recently.  

Review:  The story of Noah is well done.  Intertwined with Noah's story is a retelling of Creation and the story of Adam & Eve.  It is also compelling.  The only problem, there are a couple of scenes where Eve's bare breasts are depicted.  Has anyone else viewed this DVD?  Has anyone felt comfortable using it in a Rotation Sunday School setting?  If so, how was it received?  If not, why not?  The Noah story is a faithful retelling of the biblical narrative.  I'd so like to use it in our church, but Eve's depiction is taboo.  I'm looking for guidance from fellow Christian educators on what to do.

Original Post
If the exposure is brief, just hit the FF button. I did that for the 2 seconds of breasts in the King David movie (the one with Richard Gere) and the kids just thought I goofed. Most parents wouldn't get upset, but it only takes one.  
The series was produced for Wales and the BBC, which looks at breasts a bit differently than Americans do.

What a terrible, unnecessary decision by the editors of this DVD! But yelling at them doesn't help you now.

There's a very good statement here about nudity in an Art Workshop by Amy Crane. (I'm copying the statement below because you have to scroll down to find the relevant paragraph.) The workshop uses frescoes from the Sistine Chapel -- difficult to paint fig leaves over retrospectively.

Say, “Before we look at and talk about the art, I want to remind you that people were not created with clothes on. Nudity is sometimes needed in art and can be beautiful. God created man and woman in His image, and the human body is beautiful and can do marvelous things and there is nothing unlovely or evil or silly about our bodies. I will not tolerate snickering, laughing, or jokes. Anyone who does so will show that they really don't understand the Creation story and the artwork. If it becomes a problem, I will ask that person to leave the workshop. Understand?”

However, I think Neil's solution is simpler and displaying Michelangelo's nudity seems considerably different from nudity in an animated DVD.




I cribbed the following Episode Table from the Wikipedia about the Testament series:

No.TitleAnimation typeBook(s)Original air date
1"Creation and the Flood"Cel animation and Paint on glassGenesisOctober 16, 1996
As his ark crosses the drowned Earth, Noah tells his family the story of Adam and Eve, the fall of Lucifer, and the banishment from Eden.
2"Abraham"Stop motionGenesisOctober 23, 1996
When God told Abraham that he and his wife Sarah would have a son, Abraham was astounded, for Sarah was long past child bearing age, but God assigned to Abraham the honour of being the "Father of Many Nations." Overjoyed at the birth of his son Isaac, Abraham was horrified by the next command from God, to offer his son as a sacrifice to Him.
3"Joseph"Stop motionGenesisOctober 30, 1996
Sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, Joseph uses his skills to interpret dreams and becomes seated at the right hand of the Pharaoh himself.
4"Moses"Cel animationExodusNovember 6, 1996
Fleeing after murdering an Egyptian overseer, the Hebrew Moses settles in the land of Midian. But one day he is visited by God who instructs him to return to Egypt and, with the help of his brother Aaron and ten devastating plagues, free the Israelites from the iron gripof the Pharaoh Merneptah.
5"Ruth"Stop motionRuthNovember 13, 1996
This is the story of a woman whose name has becomes synonymous with love and fidelity. In a moving tale, Ruth follows her mother-in-law Naomi back to Naomi's native Bethlehem after the sad death of both women's husbands. Working hard in the fields to feed herself and Naomi, Ruth finds her feeling for her kinsman Boaz run deeper than gratitude for his help with the work. Prepared to marry for Naomi's sake, Ruth's loyalty touches Boaz and he decides to challenge the claim of a closer relative for Ruth's hand.
6"David and Saul"Cel animation1 SamuelNovember 20, 1996
Tormented by demons, King Saul sends for a musician, David to calm his mind, little knowing the young man will one day be his greatest general - and his greatest enemy.
7"Elijah"Cel animation1 KingsNovember 27, 1996
Elijah, the one prophet of The Lord God, sets out to save Israel from the corrupt King Ahab and his evil Queen Jezabel.
8"Daniel"Oil paintingDanielDecember 4, 1996
Political intrigue and unwavering faith are the cornerstones of the story of Daniel, held captive for many years under the Babylonian Kings. Much loved and respected by the conqueror, King Darius, who appointed him governor, Daniel provoked great jealousy among the court advisers. Divine love and human resolver enter the lions' den together, emerging victorious.
9"Jonah"Oil paintingJonahDecember 11, 1996
The prophet Jonah rejects God's call to go to Nineveh, but divine intervention, and a great fish brings him to the evil city which he warns will be destroyed in forty days.


Images (1)
  • Testament: Ruth (from YouTube)
Last edited by Luanne Payne

 Review of: Great Bible Discovery Series

Overall rating: Thumbs up!

Here's a fav video series of mine. It's called "Great Bible Discovery Series." One description reads as follows:

Designed as a documentary for children, adults also will enjoy the 9 Part Series as a wonderful learning tool for the home and classroom. Each episode features a lively interactive approach with live action mixed with storybook style animation, the simple and direct explanation of Scripture and a final quiz that serves as a learning summary. Recommended for children ages 6-12

 The "host", David Mead, reads the story as storybook animation is shown. He stops often, it cuts to him in some kind of related wacky costume and location, and he explains what's just been read -- always bringing it back to Jesus! He's rather corny, but just enough so it's humorous. The video can be run straight through without stopping for discussion, as he is the teacher throughout, including a Q&A at the end.

Some lessons posted here at, which have made use of this video series:

 (Note: if links go dead, use search for the particular forum and with the "exact phrase" portion as: Great Bible Discovery.)


 Abraham and Sarah


  Palm Sunday

Last edited by CreativeCarol

Review of: Creation Chronicles

AKA: Ted and Company DVDS

Overall rating: Share your thoughts!

In spite of the name "Creation Chronicles" this series of four videos covers more than Creation...see the Bible stories below! Purchase the videos at Ted & Company.

Posted on 1/15/04 by Amy Crane (with editing by Creative Carol to update and format info.)

"Creation Chronicles" videos: A Study Guide from Amy Crane

This is a video review and brief study guide I wrote for the video: The Creation Chronicles with Ted and Lee. As noted, some of the video segments would work for elementary students.

The Creation Chronicles with Ted & Lee (now known as Ted & Company).

The Bible is often referred to as a love story, a chronicle of the relationship between God and mankind. In The Creation Chronicles, the creative team of Ted and Lee will take you on a dizzying tour of the Old Testament. In a series of dialogs and monologs filmed before a live audience, they show God creating the world ("This is REALLY good!") as the angel Gabriel looks on and wonders about the purpose of everything — especially man ("He kind of looks like you"). The story of mankind's off and on relationship with God continues through the stories of Cain and Abel, Noah, the Tower or Babel, Abraham, the golden calf, Jericho, Samuel, Solomon, Jeremiah and other prophets. The chronicle culminates in the story of Jonah, when God realizes that sometimes He does seem too far away. So God posts a work order for an angel to make an announcement to a virgin, and Gabriel is sent forth while God lights a candle.

For those not familiar with these talented, imaginative and quirky artists, their web site says it all:

The theater of Ted (Swartz) & Lee (Eshleman) could be described as an inventive cross between, say, the Smothers Brothers, Andy Griffith, and Monty Python. Their work is by turns hilarious, breath-taking, absurd, and surprising but always with a kind of friendly back porch draw. Humor with art and soul.

This video is most effective in its full, 90-minute format. (Editor notes: I'm thinking that perhaps the format has changed since Amy wrote this. The first DVD in this series runs 58 minutes.) It may also be shown with one Bible story discussed each week. There are 13 Bible stories, (Editor note: There are more than 13 now.) but you may want to combine several of the episodes for discussion. Some of the segments are also appropriate for showing as stand-alone Bible stories for all ages, particularly creation, Cain and Abel, the Tower of Babel, and Jeremiah.

Note that some of the scenes are a bit "earthy," so you will want to preview the video before showing it to elementary-aged children. For example, Gabriel tells Abram about the circumcision part of the covenant; Abram notes that: "That's gonna sting a little."

But even with all the imagination and humor, the stories stay true to the Word, from the creation of the world to the proclamation of the birth of a very special child. This video is an inspiring reflection on the loving relationship God has with mankind.


This material was written by Amy Crane for the Presbytery of South Louisiana.
Copyright 2003 Amy Crane. Permission granted to freely distribute and use, provided the copyright message is included.

Here are some suggestions if you want to take a closer look at some or all of the stories in The Creation Chronicles with Ted and Lee. (Which are now known as Ted & Company.)

Editor notes: I have rearranged this material to place the Bible stories as they are currently offered in each DVD. One can go to the web site and download (for a cost) each story individually or purchase a DVD. Once can also watch a 2-minute preview video of each story. For example: Here is Creation.

Note: the run times shown below may no longer be correct.

Creation, Chaos, & Covenant DVD
(details here)

(9 minutes, 48 seconds)
Genesis 1:1 - 2:4

  • Do you think God really laughed when He created things? (Think about anteaters and armadillos.)
  • God calls the Earth one big animal. Do you agree with this interpretation? Talk about the food chain and the balance of nature.
  • Gabriel asks about man: "What's it for? What will it do?" Do you think God really doesn't know the answer?
  • What does it mean to be created in God's image?

Cain and Abel
(6 minutes)
Genesis 4:1- 16

  • Lee portrays the shepherd Abel as being rather irritating. Do you think this is an accurate portrayal?
  • What is the new thing Cain made at the end of the sketch? (A fist, violence, murder, sibling rivalry?)
  • This sketch seems to be leading up to the story in the Bible. Why might God reject Cain's sacrifice?
  • What do you thing the Lord meant in Gen. 4:7?
  • Think about a time that you were really angry at someone, or someone was angry at you. How did you react? How do you think God felt about your actions? Talk about second chances.

Noah/the Great Flood
(10 minutes)
Genesis 6:5-8

  • Gabriel tries to talk God out of starting over. Why?
  • What do you think "they" did that was so terrible?
  • Gabriel suggests to the Lord, "Maybe they need more of you." We were created in the Lord's image. What does Gabriel mean by more of God?
  • Noah's a bit "different" so maybe he will listen to God. Have you ever been a bit "different" and followed God?

The Tower of Babel
(8 minutes)
Genesis 11:1- 9

  • What was wrong with the construction worker wanting to be "part of something big, something eternal"?
  • What "monuments" and "towers" have you built in your life?

The Covenant with Abram
(8 minutes)
Genesis 17 (background: Genesis 12- 21)

  • After Gabriel explains to Abram that his side of the covenant is to be circumcised, Abram asks, "So what's in it for me?" What does God have to offer Abram? Does is seem like a fair trade?
  • In spite of his doubts, Abraham followed God's commands. Focus on God's commitment to fulfill His promised to you. Obey Him and trust His plan.

Also on this DVD are "Jacob and Esau" and "Joseph and His Brothers."

Deliverance, Dysfunction & Destiny DVD
(details here) There are other stories on this DVD. Entire run time is 66 minutes.

The Golden Calf
(10 minutes)

Exodus 32 (background: Exodus 15:22- 32)

  • Why did God say to Moses, "Look at your people"?
  • Was Moses justified in his anger? Or is it a sin to be angry?
  • What do you think of Ted and Lee's interpretation of this story? Was Moses angry enough? Should Moses have been angry?
  • Do you have false idols in your life?

The Prophet Jeremiah's Short Story
(3 minutes, 49 seconds)
Jeremiah 13: 1-11
Different translations call Jeremiah's undergarment a loincloth (NRSV), a belt (NIV) or shorts (TEV). Jeremiah often taught with object lessons such as this one.

  • In what way can God's people be totally useless?
  • Does there seem to be any hope in this passage? Has God really given up?

Samuel reminisces about the Kings
(6 minutes)
I Samuel 8 (background: I and II Samuel)

  • Why did the people want an imperfect (human) king instead of God? Were things better for them under the kings?
  • Why did God say, "Sure you can have a king, but from now on, you're on your own — I'm not going to fight your battles for you anymore"?
  • Have you ever made a wrong choice because you wanted to be like everyone else?

Solomon's Wisdom/Song of Solomon
(9 minutes)
Proverbs 1:1-9
Song of Solomon 4:1-7

  • Why do you think Song of Solomon is in the Bible? What does it show us about God's relationship with people?
  • Why did Ted and Lee include this sketch in their look at the relationship between God and man?

The Fall of Jericho
(1 minute)
Joshua 5:13 - 6:21)

  • Why did God give his people such crazy instructions for winning the battle (seven days of marching around with the Ark of the Covenant and trumpet blowing)?
  • Have you ever felt called to do something that did not make sense at the time?

(9 minutes)
Jonah 4 (read the entire book if time permits)

God is shown being happy, almost giddy, at the repentance of the Ninevites. Do you think this is accurate?
  • Is Jonah's anger with God valid?
  • In the Bible, Jonah's response to God is not given. Do you think this sketch showing his resignation is a valid interpretation? Or do you think he saw God's point after God's final statement (Jonah 4:11)?
  • What does the insight Jonah and God found after they changed places show about our being created in God's image?
  • Was God too far away? What do you think He decided to do to solve the problem?

More Prophets
(4 minutes)
Hosea 1 (also references to Obadiah and Isaiah 9: 2-7)

  • God asked Hosea to marry an adulterous woman. God often required extraordinary obedience from his prophets. If God asks you to do something difficult, how will you respond?
  • What does Hosea 3:1 teach us about God?
  • Chuck Orion notes that Isaiah is a bit unorthodox and is saying some new things ("What can a little kid do, right?"). Why is it that the words of prophets are often hard to accept?

Advent, Acts, Apocalypse DVD

(details here)

The Incarnation
(9 minutes)
Isaiah 9:6, Luke 1:5-38. John 1:1-18

  • I wonder why God did not want to rend the firmament and shake the earth to announce the birth of His son?
  • "Working with people is always risky, you know that." What did God mean? Do we take risks?
  • What does the song during the closing credits say about our relationship with God? ("We will heal again through the one who gave the word...we will rise again, so much more than before.") What does it say about your relationship with God?

Fish-Eyes DVD

(details here)

Amy did not create questions for any of the numerous New Testament stories that are on this DVD.  You could be the first! (Post your lesson or ideas or questions you've written in the forum for a particular story

Additional topics for discussion after each segment:
How would you describe the relationship between God and people at this time?
Does God know what he is doing? Are we his grand experiment?

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Review of "The What's in the Bible?" DVD Series

Overall Rating: Good

This series is being widely distributed.

The What's in the Bible? Series of DVDs comes from Phil Vischer, the creator of Veggie Tales, but unlike Veggie Tales, these DVDs are distinctly and overtly Christian, and about the Bible.

There are 14 DVDs covering all the books of the Bible. has published individual OUTLINES with study materials for each DVD in the seires. Supporting Members can find and print there HERE.

These are wonderful teaching DVDs with a cast of muppet-quality puppets, humor, songs, animations, and graphics. Hosted by Phil Vischer, the content is very ecumenical and kid-friendly. A golden theme runs throughout each: God's Plan for Redemption.

Each DVD consists of TWO twenty-five minute packed episodes.

You will not be able to play the entire DVD's two episodes in one class. There's simply too much good content that needs unpacked.

The Challenge with this series is knowing what's in each DVD that will match your lesson. The Genesis DVD, for example, spends a lot of time talking about theological concepts of Sin and Redemption (very appropriate) and hardly touches the stories of Abraham or Joseph. Whereas, the "Exiles" DVD #7 has 26 minutes on Esther.

You would not want to use each DVD's two episodes one after the other in the same class. The content is fast-paced and sometimes comes at firehose speed.  (Remember: the pause control is your friend).

Age: This is a slippery one. Some material K-8th. Some material K-5th. Some material 3rd-7th.  Depends on which DVD, which episode of which DVD, and which SECTION of that episode you are using. In general, I would NOT use most of the segments in these DVDs with my preschoolers or early readers up through 2nd grade.

For Sunday School?  A typical Rotation lesson covers ONE story, whereas, the DVDs in this series cover an entire Book of the Bible. Thus, for example, you might find yourself using the DVD with Daniel in it to introduce the Story of Daniel, but not using a much of the rest of the DVD because it covers other minor prophets as well.  So you might only get 10 minutes of Daniel out of the Minor Prophets DVD in this series.  Whereas, you could get 15-25 minutes easily out of the Exodus DVD (#2).

Check out the outlines to see whether your specific story is covered in the DVD and how much content (how long) it has.

The only DVD in this series which I don't really like -- isn't actually one of the 1-14 DVDs. They produced a special "Christmas DVD" separate from this series that uses the same characters. I showed it to a group of kids and they got bored. It had some good stuff but it was too long and a little preachy.

<>< Neil


Images (1)
  • What's in the Bible? DVDs for Sunday School
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Review of "Greatest Heroes & Legends of the Bible"

Overall Rating:  A Mixed Bag

If you're looking for animated Bible videos to use within Rotation Model Sunday School, the series "Greatest Heroes and Legends of the Bible" by Good Times Entertainment is a mixed bag at best.  Our church has purchased a number of the DVDs "Joshua and the Battle of Jericho," "Samson and Delilah," "Jonah and the Whale," and "The Apostles," basically to fill in the gaps left out of our Nest Family Entertainment Bible video collection.

The series is widely distributed in Christian bookstores, at Wal-Mart and on

Each DVD comes with a commentary introduction hosted by actor Charlton Heston.  The commentaries are interesting, but I would use them more for teacher training than as something I would show the kids during class time.  That time would be better utilized by a teacher led introduction.

The animation is not nearly as professional as the Nest Family videos, plus they lack the interactive on screen Review Questions of the Nest Family collection.  This means your curriculum creative team will need to do more work in writing lessons for the Video Learning Center if you choose to use these DVDs.

The real issue with this series is biblical accuracy. Some titles, like "Joshua and the Battle of Jericho" and "The Apostles" remain fairly consistent with Scripture.  Other titles, like "Samson & Delilah" and "Jonah and the Whale" add more fictional elements to tell the story than I would like.  Still other titles, like "Adam & Eve" (which I don't think made the switch from VHS to DVD) are so fictional that I wonder how they can even be included in a Bible video collection.  The bottom line is that Christian educators need to plan to review each individual DVD that they purchase before including them in their church's Rotation Model Sunday School curriculum.

As a pastor, I'd endorse "Joshua & the Battle of Jericho" and "The Apostles" and perhaps "Samson & Delilah" for use in the classroom.  Folks looking for a Jonah movie would better off finding the Testament DVD version.  As far as the rest, I'd stick with the videos from Nest Family Entertainment.  They may cost a lot more, but are worth the money in quality of animation, biblical accuracy and interactive teaching features.  Some titles from"Greatest Heroes and Legends of the Bible" are useful, but I'd advise that one only use this series to fill in the gaps of Bible stories that you can't find elsewhere.  Even then, review them diligently and be prepared to pass on some titles if they don't pass your church's biblical accuracy test.

Review by title:

  • The Garden of Eden - so fictional that I wonder how they can even be included in a Bible video collection
  • The Story of Moses
  • Joshua and the Battle of Jericho - remains fairly consistent with Scripture
  • David and Goliath
  • Jonah and the Whale - more fictional elements to tell the story than I would like, better off finding the Jonah (Testament Series) DVD instead.
  • Daniel and the Lions' Den
  • The Nativity
  • The Miracles of Jesus
  • The Apostles (Disciples) - remains fairly consistent with Scripture
  • The Last Supper Crucifixion and Resurrection
  • Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors
  • Sodom Gomorrah
  • Samson and Delilah - more fictional elements to tell the story than I would like, but useful if nothing else available


Images (1)
  • Greatest Heroes of the Bible video series
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Updated as new episodes become available.

Review and Listing of the
Superbook Videos

Overall rating: Thumbs up

Add your thoughts by using "Post Reply"

Intro by Neil MacQueen

Sunday School teachers from the 80's and 90's will remember the original SUPERBOOK video series produced by CBN. Its Japanese "anime" style was iconic, but its style of narration was a bit odd. Fortunately for us, starting in the 2000's, SuperBook was completely redesigned with newer 3D style animation and storytelling. That's why you'll sometimes see a reference here and there to the "NEW" Superbook.

More importantly, they've put all their videos online for free. You can view them at the Superbook site or on YouTube, and show them in your classroom.

(Yes, you can still buy them on DVD, but why?)

View previews on their homepage:

Go to the Superbook YouTube Channel. Tip: It's easier to find what you want by using YouTube's search field. Just type "Superbook" and the name of the Bible story.

The Superbook website let's you watch all their videos and has more kid-friendly content you can access.

There's also a Superbook App you can download to watch videos on tablets and phones.

Each episode on their site also has a link to downloadable teaching and parent helps. If it asks you to register -go ahead, it's free.

For a quick preview... here's the Superbook ESTHER video they've posted on YouTube.

List of all the Superbook Episodes Through Season Five

As of 2024, there are five seasons of videos

For any Superbook episodes listed below: if a lesson, idea or review has been posted here, at rotation, it is indicated with link.  [Indicates additional stories included in episode.]

(Note: WT stands for Writing Team, SM stands for Supporting Membership required to view.)

Season One

#101 - In The Beginning: The Story of Creation
#102 - The Test: Abraham & Isaac WT Lesson (SM only)
#103 - Jacob and Esau: The Stolen Birthright   WT Lesson (SM only)
#104 - Let My People Go: The Story of the Exodus
#105 - The Ten Commandments: Moses The Law
#106 - A Giant Adventure: David & Goliath  Review
#107 - Roar: Daniel & the Lion's Den WT Lesson (SM only)
#108 - The First Christmas WT Lesson (SM only)
#109 - Miracles of Jesus
#110 - The Last Supper Overview /// WT Lesson (SM only)
#111 - He Is Risen: The Resurrection of Jesus  Review
#112 - The Road to Damascus
#113 - Revelation: The Final Battle

Season Two

#201 - Jonah
#202 - Joseph and Pharaoh's Dream
#203 - The Fiery Furnace  WT Lesson (SM only)
#204 - Rahab and the Walls of Jericho
#205 - Esther: For Such a Time as This
- John & Baptist
#207 - Paul & the Shipwreck
#208 - Job
#209 - Noah and the Ark
#210 - Gideon  Review Questions (PowerPoint Quiz included!)
#211 - Peter's Denial
#212 - The Prodigal Son
#213 - Elijah & the Prophets of Baal

Season Three

#301 - Ruth WT Lesson (SM only)
#302 - The Tower of Babel & The Day of Pentecost   Lesson Idea
#303 - The Birth of John the Baptist
#304 - Isaac and Rebekah
#305 - Naaman and the Servant Girl
#306 - Samuel and the Call of God
#307 - David and Saul  Review Questions (Powerpoint Quiz included!)
#308 - Nehemiah
#309 - Elisha and the Syrians
#310 - Lazarus [comment includes section on Mary & Martha.]
#311 - King Solomon
#312 - Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
#313 - The Good Samaritan

Season Four

#401 - Jesus Feeds the Hungry   Review
#402 - Peter and Cornelius
#403 - Paul & Silas
#404 - Solomon's Temple
#405 - Peter’s Escape [includes: Peter Heals a lame beggar]
#406 - Jesus Heals the Blind
#407 - Joshua and Caleb
#408 - Elijah and the Widow
#409 - Teach Us To Pray [Lord's Prayer]   Review
#410 - Jeremiah
#411 - Jesus in the Wilderness
- Paul and Barnabas
#413 - Philip

Season Five (this season is not free to watch online)

#501 - The Birth of Moses
#502 - Nicodemus
#503 - Zacchaeus
#504 - The Sermon on the Mount [includes Faith of the Centurion]
#505 - Isaiah  Review Questions (PowerPoint Quiz included) [tie in to Isaiah 36-39: Defeat of the Assyrians (Hezekiah)]
#506 - Baptized! [Fisher's of Men]
#507 - Jesus - Friend of Sinners  [The Parable of the Great Supper; The Calling of Matthew the Tax Collector; and The Sinful Woman]
#508 - Paul Keeps the Faith
#509 - Love Your Enemies [Garden of Gethsemane; Jesus’ arrest; and the stoning of Stephen]
#510 - Paul and the Unknown God, Part 1 [Paul preaching in Athens & Corinth]
#511 - Paul and the Unknown God, Part 2 [Aquila and Priscilla]
#512 - Doubting Thomas
- The Promise of a Child  [God’s promise of salvation is revealed from the beginning of the Bible]
#514 - Rescued! [Prayer & Mission Trip]
#515 - Heroes of the Bible [Video ends with Chris leading Bible Study-he offers a new perspective on being a real hero in God's eyes - story line touches on: Noah, Joshua and Rahab, Abraham, Joseph, David, Esther, and Daniel. I'm thinking this would be useful video if doing a VBS Bible Heroes theme.]
#518 - The Widow's Mite


Images (1)
  • David Shepherd Boy
Last edited by Luanne Payne

I also highly recommend the Superbook series. Whenever we have a lesson that Superbook does not cover and we use a different series the students ask when will we see another Superbook video.  Another option for finding these videos at a much cheaper price is to look on EBay. I have been able to pick them up at very discounted prices

If you are purchasing the DVD from CBN, give yourself LOTS of lead time.  I made a donation to receive the DVD in mid-June.  I called today (early July) to check on it and they told me that it takes 4-6 weeks to receive the DVD. 

Yes I ran into this problem also. When I called they suggested that the next time I let them know that I need it right away.  But I have to say that when I called they sent one over night and told me to keep it as well as the original when it came in.  They were very accommodating. 

With regard to the SUPERBOOK videos by CBN, you can sign up at their website and watch the full episodes for free online. It's a great way to preview the episodes. {Editor notes: Flash is required to view videos.}

Was looking at the Last Supper Video and at first, wasn't too sure, but after watching the whole episode, I realized how STRONG it was on Life Application. Also liked that Jesus talked to the kids and included contemporary music to reflect on at the end.

That said, some of the videos in this large series wouldn't be my first or second choice. Occasionally the scripts and animations get a little dark or literal for kids. As with all good series, you still need to preview the material to make sure it fits with your kids and with your church.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

The Voice of the Martyrs

The Witness Trilogy

Disciples Call 2

Jesus: He Lived Among Us

The Witness Trilogy #1

(Note: released in 2011, re-released in 2017
under a new name
"God With Us: The Coming of the Saviour"
with newly enhanced animation.)

The material provided here is based on the orginal – "Jesus: He Lived Among Us".

*For "some" story clips, due to it's 90+ minutes length.

There were several great clips I would use and I've indicated them by an * on the Scene Guide I've created for you below.

Summary: Dramatic, animated retelling of the life of Jesus Christ, as seen through the eyes of the last surviving apostle John, to his guards in prison on the Isle of Patmos. Vision Video.

  • Awards:  Won at July 2012 - International Christian Visual Media
    Silver Award - Best Children's Film
    Bronze Award - Best Youth Film
  • Trailer:
  • Full 90 minute movie (for preview only):
  • Companion Book - paperback "Jesus: He Lived Among Us: Based on the Animated Film from the Voice of the Martyrs", Contributor(s): Palavicini, R F, Cleary, Steve, Warner Press, 2011, 9781593174354. Ages 10+.
    The book includes text and pictures from the video. The book is broken into 29 chapters followed by a study section of 4 to 5 questions per chapter, they are basically story review questions, only a handful (maybe 9 questions total) would I consider to be reflection questions.
    Notes: Only reason I see for purchasing the book would be if one was using the video as a pre-teen bible study tool, on the Life of Jesus, where they planned to show the entire movie over a few weeks.  It would then be a handy resource for the leader.
    FYI - The 29 chapters in the book do not match the 42 scenes on the DVD.

Take Note:  DVD has a Scene Menu - 42 pictures, no titles!

  1. So I've created a scene breakdown below, as well as I've attached a PDF of same.
  2. I've included the DVD scene menu pictures, minutes per scene, timings (if you want to preview a section on YouTube), stories covered, and finally for those who own the the companion book - chapter correlation to DVD scenes.
  3. Scene #'s were added by me.
  4. Clips with (*) I personally liked.

    Miraclous Catch of Fish 1

DVD Scene Guide

Luanne has indicated "great clips" by adding tiny little *'s to the chart below. Look for the asterisks  in the 2nd column (Mins. = Minutes).

Jesus He Lived Among Us Scenes 1

Jesus He Lived Among Us Scenes 2

Jesus He Lived Among Us Scenes 3

I have yet to see or review the next two DVDs in this trilogy, but am including them here for reference. Trailers can be seen at Vision Video.


The Messengers: The Birth of the Early Church

The Witness Trilogy #2

Based on the Book of Acts – Chapters 1-9


The Birth of the Early Church is the second installment of The Witnesses Trilogy.

Having risen from the dead, Jesus Christ has appeared to His disciples and instructed them saying, “Remain in Jerusalem until you are filled with power from Heaven!” Waiting in prayer as Jesus has commanded them, the time comes when the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) is poured out upon them with great power and wonder!

Follow the small band of early Christian believers as they boldly proclaim Christ and His message in the face of great opposition resulting in the growth of the church and the unexpected conversion of its most zealous enemy (Paul's Conversion).

Recommended for children age 7 and up. 70 minutes. Vision Video 2017.


Member Ron Shifley posted:  "The first 15 minutes 24 seconds retells the Pentecost story and places it in context of the full story of Luke-Acts via a retelling of the Apostle John imprisoned on the island of Patmos."  Ron also provides PowerPoint Review Questions, to use with this portion of the video, and it can be found in the Pentecost forum here.

To Every Nation: Faith That Changed The World

The Witness Trilogy #3

Based on the Book of Acts – Chapters 10-28


To Every Nation is the third and final installment of The Witnesses Trilogy.

Now we witness the church's miraculous growth and learn how the first believers took the Gospel To Every Nation.

Recommended for children age 7 and up. 70 minutes. Vision Video 2017.


Last edited by Luanne Payne

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