Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Jesus and the Syrophoenician (Canaanite) Woman
Post your Sunday School lesson, ideas, activities, and resources for Jesus and the Syrophoenician (Canaanite) Woman here.
Please include a scripture reference, supply lists, sources, suggested age range. age modification, etc.
- Please include a scripture reference, supply lists, sources, suggested age range. age modification, etc.
- Photos are much appreciated! Click "attachments" and upload to your post.
- Please be careful not to post copyrighted materials. Excerpting and paraphrasing is okay. Include attribution.
Mark 7:24-30 & Matthew 15:21-28.
Add your ideas to this subject by using the "Post Reply" button below.
This was moved to here from the help forum.
Question asked:
I have been tasked to do a 5 week lesson on the Syrophoenician/Canaanite woman....
Help....I am at a loss...
I have the following workshop options...
Art, Drama, Bible puzzles and Games, Storytelling, Computer, Video and sometimes cooking.