This children's sermon can be used in any setting, but should be especially fun and effective as a children's message in a worship setting AFTER the kids have been in Sunday School learning the parable of the Good Samaritan. It uses the lesson set's LOGO as the discussion object and prompt for a fun "posing" activity that makes a great point about how The Church, a.k.a. "the Body" of Christ, is called to be a body of Good Samaritans, too! My children's sermons tend to be notes in my hand and...
"Parable of the Good Samaritan" Lesson Set from the Writing Team
Five different and very creative Rotation Model-style lessons, each teaching the story with a different teaching medium, plus a "Mission" Workshop full of suggestions, and a Good Sam Children's Sermon! The Lesson Summaries and Bible Background are open to all. The lesson plans are open to our amazing Supporting Members who make this site possible. Join today!