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This topic is collecting some general Christmas Games and Quizzes that teach the stories of Jesus' Birth. (Not Christmas-themed party games.)

To find many more story-specific teaching games about Jesus' Birth, such as those that focus on the story of the Shepherds or Magi, look in the "Bible Skills and Games Workshop" listings by story in our Advent forums.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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Jesus' Birth - General

Games Workshop: Christmas Story Mix-Up!


This Christmas story has errors! Can you find them?Students will break into three teams, each team will be given a different "Christmas Mix-Up" Bible passage that more or less uses the NLT version of the Bible. 1) They are to see how many errors they can find and correct those errors without using a Bible. 2) They will then gather and each group will read their Bible passage directly from the Bible to the class. 3) They will then learn what Immanuel means. 4) They will finish up with the teacher reading each of the Mixed-up story versions "corrected" by each team, wherein the students are to shout “Immanuel” if they think they hear a mistake and then explain why they think it is wrong. (They can refer to the Bible if there is any disagreement.)

Scripture References:

Matthew 1:18-25  Joseph
Luke 1:26-38  Mary
Luke 2:1-20   Birth of Jesus & Shepherds

Spotlight verse for the year: “Show me your ways, O Lord, Teach me your paths”. Psalm 25:4
Rotation Memory verse: “She will give birth to a son. And he will be called Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Students will be able to make corrections to the Christmas Story
  2. Students will be able to find the 3 Stories about Jesus' birth in the Gospels.
  3. Students will practice sharing the story of Jesus' Birth with others
  4. Students will know that Immanuel means “God with Us”

Leader Preparation:

  1. Read the story of Jesus' birth in the Gospels of Matthew & Luke
  2. Familiarize yourself with Bible Background.
  3. If desired, edit the attached "Christmas Story Mix-Up" document to change any of the "mixed-up" portions to match your local situation and to bring it up to date. You may also wish to simplify the story for younger readers.
  4. Print and make enough copies of the Mix-Up sheets for each class.
  5. Gather pens or pencils.

Lesson Plan

Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction

Greet the children and Introduce yourself. Briefly tell the students what they will be doing today: we will be playing a game called “Christmas Mix-Up."

Dig: Main Content and Reflection
Form three groups of students. Collect any Bibles that students may have brought with them to class.

Tell the students that they are to find the errors (if there are any!) in the Christmas stories that you will distribute.

Say: I think that these Christmas stories are told in a mixed-up way—with errors! Your job as a team is to find as many errors as you can and correct those errors. The challenge is that you may not use a Bible at this point in the game!
(Allow an exception for younger students if they are having difficulty.).

Distribute the "Christmas Story Mix-Up" sheets and pens or pencils.

After about 10-15 minutes gather the groups back together. Have the shepherds return Bibles to the students who brought them. Collect the game sheets.

The Story:
Each group will open up their Bibles to the Bible Passage they had been given. Have each group take a turn reading the story from the Bible to the class.

Ask the student if they know what "Immanuel" means. (GOD WITH US)
Tell the students that you will now read their corrected stories. If they hear something incorrect (or wrong) in the story they should shout “Immanuel.”

Read each "corrected" story. If anyone shouts, “Immanuel”, stop, Ask what they think is wrong and why.
Have students refer to the Bible to resolve any differences in a correction.

Close with Prayer
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending your son, Jesus to earth. As we experience the wants for toys and gifts for Christmas, Help us tell of your love to others. Keep us mindful of the first Christmas and Jesus' birth. Amen.

Christmas Story Mix-Up Sheet #1 - Matthew 1:18-25
Bible passages more or less use the NLT version of the Bible.
How many errors can you find?

Now, this is how Jesus the Messiah was born, His mother Elizabeth, was engaged to be married to Peter. But while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Peter being a bad man told her the engagement was off and was about to disgrace her publicly. While he considered this Peter fell asleep, in his dream a sheep by the name of Fluffy came to him and told him that he was still to marry Elizabeth as the child was from God. Fluffy told him that she would have a daughter and her name was to be John for she would save her people from sin. All this happened to fulfill what the prophet Jeremiah had said. "Look a virgin will have a son, named John who will also be called Immanuel/Emmanuel meaning God has left us." Peter awoke and did as the Lord had commanded, taking Mary as his wife. She gave birth to a daughter and they named her John.

Christmas Story Mix-Up Sheet #2 - Luke 1:26-38
Bible passages more or less use the NLT version of the Bible.
How many errors can you find?

In the sixth month of Mary’s pregnancy, the Lord sent the sheep, Fluffy to Manhattan, New York to a virgin named Elizabeth she was engaged to be married to a man named Peter, a descendant of Noah. Fluffy appeared to her and said, “Greetings favored woman.” The Lord is with you. Mary was scared and frightened, as the sheep spoke. The sheep said “Don’t be afraid for God has blessed you. You will have a baby girl and she shall be called John. He will be very great and the Son of the most high God. Elizabeth asked how she could have a baby because she was way too old. The sheep told Mary that God can do anything and that the Holy Spirit would come upon her. Mary responded “Can’t God choose someone else for I have things to do and I am busy getting ready for my wedding. Doesn’t God know that this could end the marriage and I could be disgraced publicly?”

Christmas Story Mix-Up Sheet #3 - Luke 2:1-20
Bible passages more or less use the NLT version of the Bible.
How many errors can you find?

At that time the Spanish emperor, George W. Bush, declared that a census should be taken of all of the Spanish Empire. This was the first census taken when Jesse Ventura was Governor of Minnesota. All returned to their own towns to register for this census. And Moses, being a descendant of King David had to go to Rochester, Minnesota, David’s ancient town. He traveled to the village of Oronoco in Galilee. He took with him, Sarah his fiancee who was pregnant at the time. And while they were there the time came for her baby to be born. She gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in the bassinet because there was no room for them in the Holiday Inn. That same night some construction workers were out building highways. And suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared to him and the radiance of the Lord shone all around them. They were frightened, but the angel said, “Don’t be afraid for I bring you Good News of great joy. The Savior, yes the Messiah, the Lord - has been born tonight in the city of Rochester, the city of the Mayo Brothers. And this is how you will recognize him, he will be wearing a crown of gold and lying in a gold bassinet wrapped snuggly in a blue and silver flannel blanket. Suddenly the angel was joined by a vast number of shepherds praising God and saying “Glory to God in the Highest Heaven and Peace on earth to all whom God favors.” Then the angel and the shepherds returned to the fields to watch their sheep. The construction workers looked at each other and said, "Let’s go to Rochester to see this wonderful thing that we have been told about.” The construction workers told no one what had happened and many wondered where the construction workers had been all night. But Sarah, being the mother, treasured this time in her heart.

A lesson written by Wendy Sempf from Glory to God Lutheran Church
Rochester, MN

Editor's Note: This game lesson by Wendy had several 'replies' thanking her for such a good idea. They were removed to save space in the thread. Good going, Wendy!
For your convenience, an editor has created an attachment (a Word doc) with the mixed-up stories. Feel free to edit the stories to fit your local info.


Last edited by CreativeCarol

How we adapted the Christmas Mix-up Lesson for Non-Readers

I loved this idea, and it worked really well with our 3rd graders last week. However, I was worried about so much reading with the first and second graders. We adapted it by creating a flannel board picture of the story with lots of extraneous stuff--an airplane, a bicycle, a horse, etc. using lots of misc flannel images we had collected.

We read the story from a Bible storybook to the kids (we often use The Family Story Bible.) During the reading, the flannel board had a sheet over it. The children were asked to stay very quiet and to look carefully at the picture when the sheet comes off--no talking. Then we passed around a tree ornament. The child with the ornament removed something from the flannel picture that doesn't fit in the story and explains why they removed it.

We responded to any disputes by looking again at the story as told in the Story Bible.

Non-Flannel Board Option

For those who don't have a flannel board for their Christmas story, you can draw or print a large image of the story (google images, or copy from books), plus lots of props/people/things you have printed or cut out. Attach to your board with tacky-putty or tape.

Member Luanne adds: I'd set-up a Story Table version of the story, could use the Little People's Nativity Set or the Playmobil Christmas Set or any Nativity Set you use with the Sunday School children, again adding props that don't belong in the story, as suggested above.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

A "Bible Basketball" Games Workshop Lesson about
Jesus' Birth According to Luke

There are several "Christmas quiz shows" here at that suggest various strategies for asking questions, scoring, and avoiding competition problems. Adjust the following to your needs.

A volunteer has added a "JESUS' BIG HOOP" demonstration at the end of the lesson.

Scripture Reference:

Luke 2:1-20

Memory Verse:

Luke 2:11
“For to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.

Materials List:

  • Basketball hoop (could be a “Little Tikes” portable hoop – “nerf” hoop to hang over the door – or a full size, outside)
  • Basketball (to go with your hoop)
  • Air pump – (in case your ball goes flat during the week)
  • Chalkboard/chalk (or paper/pen)
  • Bibles – for reference
  • Masking tape – to make the shooting line/lines
  • Trivia questions
    (Position your hoop away from any light bulbs- remember to think about the extra play that might be done when your not there)

Lesson Plan

Today's lesson plan refreshes and reinforces other lessons we've taught about the Birth of Christ. Its questions cover many different scriptures from Luke's birth stories. If you want to add a formal "scripture opening" to the lesson, recast some of your questions as "speed look ups" by a team(s). Then pause after the point is awarded to look at and comment on a key verse.


Greet the children and introduce yourself and any helpers that you have. Explain what they'll be doing today and what you hope they will learn.

Let's Play!

The Game:


  1. Divide into teams (? Two or three teams – number off – boys against the girls – pick teams – names out of a hat)
  2. Each team answers a question. If they get it right (from memory), one person from that team gets two chances to make a basket. If they get it right with help of a reference (bible – or multiple-choice), they get one chance to make a basket. If they get it wrong, no chances for a basket.
    (For the younger kids, they get two chances for a basket even if they use the multiple-choice or reference.)
  3. Alternate teams for the trivia.
  4. Let each person have a chance to make baskets. (Alternate turns)
  5. Have each team select a “captain” that will give the final answer. (This will help so you don’t get multiple people telling you different answers.)
  6. Encourage teamwork.


  1. 10 points for each correct answer without a reference (from memory)
  2. 5 points for each correct answer with a reference (exception for younger kids – they always get 10 points for correct answers)
  3. 2 points for every basket made

    Have fun!


Discuss whether or not baby Jesus was born just for those who "know more" or are "the winners." Include references to the poor, the sick, the outcasts, the sinners that Jesus welcomed into his presence.

Use this "paper hoop" demonstration, and if time, invite the kids to make their own to show how we can all make it through Jesus' "big" hoop --which was much more inclusive and welcoming that that of the Pharisees and self-righteous in his day who wanted to exclude people from God's blessings.

Have the children assist with cleanup and then close with a prayer.

A lesson written by Rachel Haugland from: Bethel Lutheran
Story City, IA using a Rotation lesson originally created by the Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian in Cary NC

“No Room at the Inn”
Games – Questions
Luke 2: 1 – 20

For the younger kids, you may want to use the questions with the multiple-choice option.
For the older kids, maybe just stick with the question only, (and use the multiple choice as a “helper” if needed)

From Luke 2: 1 - 7

1. Who were Jesus’ human parents? (Mary and Joseph)

2. In what town was Jesus born? (Bethlehem)
a. Nazareth
b. Egypt
c. Bethlehem

3. What ruler is mentioned in the story? (Caesar Augustus – or Quirinius)
a. King David
b. Caesar Augustus
c. King Ahab

4. Where did Joseph and Mary live? (Nazareth)
a. Nazareth
b. Egypt
c. Bethlehem

5. Why did Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem? (To be enrolled – to be taxed)
a. To visit relatives
b. To be enrolled – to be taxed
c. For a vacation

6. What did Mary do with Jesus after He was born? (Wrapped Him in cloths and Laid Him in a manger)
a. Wrapped Him in cloths
b. Laid Him in a manger
c. Both of the above

7. Why didn’t Mary and Joseph get a room at a hotel? (There was no room)
a. They didn’t have hotels back then
b. They didn’t have any money to pay for it
c. There wasn’t any rooms open to rent to them (too many people in town)

8. What’s another name for Bethlehem in the story? (City of David)

From Luke 2: 8 –20
1. Who was first to hear the news of Jesus’ birth? (Shepherds)
a. Wise men
b. Shepherds
c. Kings

2. What time of day was it? (Night time)
a. Day time
b. Night time

3. What were the shepherds doing? (Watching their sheep)
a. Watching their sheep
b. Sleeping
c. Reading their Bibles

4. Who told the shepherds about Jesus? (An angel)
a. Jesus
b. Wise men
c. An angel

5. When the shepherds saw the angel, how did they feel? (Scared)
a. Scared
b. Sad
c. Mad

6. Why was the angel so scary? (The glory of the Lord shone around- bright light)
a. He carried a big sword
b. The angel was huge
c. The glory of the Lord shone around them – bright light

7. What was the first thing the angel said to the shepherds? (Don’t be afraid)
a. Don’t be afraid
b. Go in Peace
c. Be happy

8. What did the angel bring the shepherds? (Good news)
a. Gifts for them to give the baby
b. A sheep they had lost
c. Good news

9. Who was the good news for? (Everybody – all people)
a. Everybody
b. Just the shepherds
c. Just Mary and Joseph

10. What was the good news? (A Savior is born)
a. The lost lamb is found
b. A Savior – Jesus – is born
c. Wise men with gifts are on the way to Bethlehem

11. The angel told the shepherds how to recognize Jesus. How would they know they had found the right baby? (Wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger)
a. He would be wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger
b. There would be a big crowd of people around him
c. There would be a big star over him

12. After the angel told the shepherds the good news, what suddenly appeared? (Lots more angels, or a multitude of the heavenly hosts)
a. A bright star in the sky
b. Lots more angels
c. Three wise men

13. What did the angels say? (Glory to God, and peace on earth)
a. Make a joyful noise to the Lord
b. The Lord is my shepherd
c. Glory to God and peace on earth

14. After the angels left, what did the shepherds do? (They hurried to Bethlehem and found the baby)
a. Went back to sleep
b. Went looking for their sheep
c. Hurried to Bethlehem and found the baby

15. After they found the baby, what did they do? (Told others what had happened, praised God)
a. Told others what had happened
b. Promised Mary and Joseph they wouldn’t tell anybody
c. Went back to their sheep and forgot all about it

16. What did Mary do afterwards? (Kept quiet – pondered - and thought about everything that had happened)
a. Told everybody what had happened
b. Kept quiet and thought about everything that had happened
c. Told an angel what had happened

17. Which gospel does this story come from? (Luke)
a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

18. Is the birth of Jesus recorded in the Old or New Testament? (New)

19. What is our memory verse? (For to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.)

20. Where does our memory verse come from - book, chapter, and verse? (Luke 2: 11)

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

A Multi-Round Christmas Story Gameshow

Here is a reformatted & reworded Christmas Quiz Gameshow based on the original list of questions that was posted here for many years.  It has four different rounds.

Adjust the rules and gameshow style for your needs, age group, and time. Assign a scorekeeper.

As always, right and wrong answers are an opportunity for the teacher to do some teaching!  Some questions/answers are purposely designed to open up the discussion about what we THINK is in the story, versus, what's really written, and the answer key at the end of the quiz may help your volunteers avoid common misunderstandings.

It takes about 25 minutes to play through this quiz, if you take time to make comments, and if they kids don't get everything right the first time.  Don't be afraid to reward specific correct answers, rather than the fuzzy 'sort of right' answers some kids will come up with. This will make them think and sharpen their memory.

You can use a bell or other noise maker if you don't have a buzzer.

All Answer Buzz-in Round 1

First team to buzz in can answer. If wrong, as soon as the MC says “wrong” other teams can buzz in. (use sound buzzers or objects that make sound) Only the team captain can answer. If you blurt out the answer before being recognized by the MC, your team is disqualified. 1 pt per correct answer. Negative point if you buzz in and are incorrect (this keeps teams from buzzing in when they don't know the answer).

  • What was the name of Jesus’ mother?
  • What town was Jesus born in?
  • What did Joseph do for a living?
  • What is myrrh?
  • What is frankincense?
  • How many wisemen brought Jesus presents?
  • What was the profession of the wisemen?
  • Where did Mary and Joseph take the baby Jesus after he was born?
  • What town was Jesus raised in as a boy?
  • According to the Bible, what did the shepherds do after visiting the baby Jesus?

Multiple Choice Round 2

Ask one team for the correct answer. 2 points if they are correct. If wrong, next team can steal for 1 point. Only the team captain can answer.

1. According to the Bible, how did Joseph and Mary get to Bethlehem?

Mary rode a donkey and Joseph walked
Who knows?

2. Why didn’t Joseph and Mary stay at the inn?

It was too expensive
Because they had to get to Bethlehem
There was no room
None of the above

3. After being born, Jesus was placed in or on a:

Pile of hay
The back of a donkey

4. What is a manger? Is it a:

feeding trough
wooden table

5. Which animals does the Bible say were in the stable when Jesus was born?

donkeys, sheep
camel and lambs
lambs and sheep
The Bible doesn’t say.

6. From what region (direction) were the wisemen from?

the west
the east
the orient
none of the above

7. What sign were the shepherds told to look for by the angel?

a lion and a sheep together in peace
a tree with a star on top
a star over Bethlehem
you will find a baby lying in a manger

8. With what words did the heavenly host of angels praise God?

"Joy to the World, the Lord is Come"
"Glory, Glory, Hallelujah”
“King of Kings and Lord of Lords”
"Glory to God in the highest,"

9. According to the Matthew, when the wise men found the baby Jesus, he was in a:


10. According to the Bible, when did the little drummer boy meet Jesus?

when Jesus was in the manger
at a house
When Jesus was about two years old
none of the above

Final Round Write Out Your Answer on a Card:

5 points for each correct.

1. Only two of the four Gospels have the story of Jesus’ birth in them. Which two?

2. Matthew and Luke do not tell the same Christmas story. Which one tells about the birth and Visit of the Wisemen, and which one tells the story about the visit of the angels to the Shepherds and the shepherds’ visit to baby Jesus.

Final Answer:

You may risk up to half your points. Write the answer on one card and the number of points you are risking on the other.

Which Old Testament prophet foretold the coming of the Messiah, saying he would be a Wonderful Counselor and Prince of Peace?
(Is 9)

(Teacher: you may want to offer multiple choices:  Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Micah, Zechariah)

Optional "Pictionary" Round:

This is a nice way to end the quiz without keeping score. A person comes forward to draw the clue. If no one guesses it within 45 seconds, the marker is passed to another draw-er:

“no room at the inn”
A wiseman
“joy to the world”
"silent night"
Caesar Augustus

Answer Key and Comments

  1. What was the name of Jesus’ mother? Mary  (the shortened form of "Miriam," another famous woman in the Bible!)
  2. What town was Jesus born in? Bethlehem   (King David's hometown, place where the prophet Micah said the Messiah would come from)
  3. What did Joseph do for a living? carpenter   (maybe he built houses or furniture, we don't know)
  4. What is myrrh? An aromatic oil used to anoint, honor, and to embalm.
  5. What is frankincense? An aromatic tree sap used in the Temple and as incense.
  6. How many wisemen brought Jesus presents? Bible doesn't say. There were 3 gifts.
  7. What was the profession of the wisemen? Astrologers, studied the stars, looked for clues to the future.
  8. Where did Mary and Joseph take the baby Jesus after they left Bethlehem? Egypt
  9. What town was Jesus raised in as a boy? Nazareth in Galilee.
  10. According to the Bible, what did the shepherds do after visiting the baby Jesus? They went out and told others

Multiple Choice Round 2

  1. How did Joseph and Mary get to Bethlehem? Who knows? The Bible doesn't say. Yet most imagine she rode a donkey because that's how we're used to seeing it in movies and books.
  2. Why didn’t Joseph and Mary stay at the inn? There was no room. "Inn" can be translated "guest room" ...and may have been an extra room in a relative's house.)
  3. After being born, Jesus was placed in or on a: Manger
  4. What is a manger? Is it a feeding trough. The Greek word for "manger" means "to eat."
  5. Which animals does the Bible say were in the stable when Jesus was born? The Bible doesn’t say, but we imagine some where there because he was put in a manger.
  6. From what region (direction) were the wisemen from? the east. Perhaps Persia (modern day Iraq or Iran) or modern day Jordan.
  7. What sign were the shepherds told to look for by the angel? -you will find a baby lying in a manger. The Magi followed the star.
  8. With what words did the heavenly host of angels praise God? "Glory to God in the highest"
  9. According to Matthew, the wise men found the baby Jesus in a house. Matt 2: 10 When they saw the star, they were filled with joy.11 The Wise Men went to the house. There they saw the child with his mother Mary. --This answer surprises most people because we tend to smoosh the stories of the Wisemen and Shepherds/Manger into one story.
  10. According to the Bible, when did the little drummer boy meet Jesus?   none of the above, not in the Bible

Final Round

  1. Only two of the four Gospels have the story of Jesus’ birth in them: Matthew and Luke
  2. Matthew and Luke do not tell the same Christmas story....Matthew = Wisemen. Luke = Shepherds

Final Answer:

Which Old Testament prophet foretold the coming of the Messiah, saying he would be a Wonderful Counselor and Prince of Peace?

(Isaiah 9)  This is worth looking up.
This is a photo of the Quiz Show sign we made with Xmas lights stuck through holes poked in cardboard. We outlined the letters with tin foil and the cardboard was covered in gift wrapping paper. At Home Advent Nativity Hunt

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  • Christmas Quiz Show Lights
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

"Manger Madness" Board Game about the Story of Jesus' Birth

Students will play a life-size game board quiz game, called Manger Madness.

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 1:18b-25a, Luke 2:1-7

Lesson Objective:

By playing the following game, students will learn many important facts surrounding the narrative story – even which gospel account they come from (for older kids only). A final synopsis component will emphasize the factual account in contrast to some of the non-biblical sides of the story people often confuse.

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the Scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials

Materials List:

  • 30 pieces of large construction paper of various colors (you can laminate them if you so desire)
  • One large blow-up game die
  • Cut-out pictures of manger scenes (lamb, sheep, Joseph, Mary, etc.)
  • Small Christmas goodies.

Advance Preparation Requirements:

  • Prior to class time you will need to arrange the room for the game. This is done by taking the pieces of construction paper and laying them on the floor in a path around the room. Avoid a straight line and be creative – have it wind around chairs and tables, possibly even down the hallway and stairs if you like!
  • The first piece of paper where the children start should be marked, “NAZARETH,” and the last paper should be marked “MANGER.” Get creative with the titles if you so desire!
  • Mark another piece of paper “JORDAN RIVER” and place 10-15 spots from the start. Mark another “SAMARIA QUICKSAND” and place 15-20 spots from the start. Mark another “MT. GERIZIM” and place 20-25 spots from start. The uses of these will be explained later.


Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction

Greet the children and introduce yourself and any helpers that you have.

Dig- Main Content and Reflection

Lesson Plan:

  • As the children come, gather them together and have each child choose and color one of the manger scenes. Have them wear this as a nametag; this will serve as their “game piece.” Go over the bible story account. The older children can read the verses together as indicated above; the younger children can use the “Family Story Bible,” with you strongly emphasizing some of the details as outlined in the questions below. Pull out a map of the Middle East during Jesus’ lifetime (found it the back of most bibles) and note the journey they made from Nazareth to Bethlehem. How long did it look to them? What must that have been like? Facilitate some general discussion here.
  • Next, play the game “Manger Madness.” The game is played as follows: each child is their own “game piece.” Each child rolls the die to determine the order they will proceed in the game. Once that is done, the first child will roll the die. They are then asked one of the questions below (you may need to give some “hints” where needed). If they answer it correctly, they move the same number of spaces as the number they rolled. An incorrect answer results in no change of place. The next child follows suit in like manner, and so on. (NOTE: for older children, have a couple of rounds where they can get an extra bonus place by guessing what gospel the biblical fact came from. If they guess it correctly they move one additional space forward).
  • If a player lands on “JORDAN RIVER,” they can move forward an additional two spaces if they answer the question correctly. If they land on “SAMARIA QUICKSAND,” they will have to move back three places if they do not answer the question correctly. Finally, if a player lands on “MT. GERIZEM,” every other player moves forward two spaces if the person answers the question correctly.
  • The game is finished when every person reaches the “MANGER” spot. In doing this there is less an emphasis on a “winner” who finished first. Everyone’s a winner here! Once the game is complete, celebrate with a small Christmas snack, like Christmas cookies and juice or a candy cane.


Have the children assist in cleanup and then close with a prayer.

Questions for Manger Madness
These answers are multiple choice. An asterisk at the end indicated the correct answer. The name to the right of the question indicated which book the answer comes from.

1) What was it the emperor decreed to happen? (Luke)
· That everyone be registered (*)
· That everyone take care of their children
· That the war should end
2) What emperor gave the decree that everyone should be registered? (Luke)
· Nero
· Caesar
· Augustus (*)
3) Who was governor of Syria when this took place? (Luke)
· Herod
· Quirinius (*)
· John
4) Where did people have to go to be registered? (Luke)
· To their hometowns (*)
· To Jerusalem
· To the nearest post office
5) Where was Joseph from originally? (Luke)
· Jerusalem
· Emmaus
· Nazareth (*)
6) In what region was Nazareth located? (Luke)
· Phoenicia
· Galilee (*)
· Greece
7) Where did Joseph and Mary have to go to be registered? (Luke)
· Rome
· Cana
· Bethlehem (*)
8) Bethlehem was also known as the “City of _________” (Luke)
· Harold
· Abraham
· David (*)
9) In what region was Bethlehem located? (Luke)
· Italy
· Syria
· Judea (*)
10) What family was Joseph descended from? (Luke)
· Family of David (*)
· Family of Paul
· Family of Noah
11) Were Joseph and Mary engaged or married at this time? (Engaged – Luke)
12) True or false: Mary’s child was from the Holy Spirit (True – Matthew)
13) Who appeared to Joseph in a dream one night? (Matthew)
· A shepherd
· A wise man
· An angel (*)
14) What was the first thing the angel told Joseph? (Matthew)
· Get me some water
· Don’t be afraid (*)
· Leave here now and go home
15) What did the angel tell Joseph to name their child? (Matthew)
· Jesus (*)
· John the Baptist
· Zaccheus
16) Did the angel tell Joseph to take Mary as his wife? (Yes – Matthew)
17) What did the angel say Jesus would do in his life? (Matthew)
· Turn water into wine
· Die and rise from the grave
· Save people from their sins (*)
18) All this happened to fulfill what _______said? (Matthew)
· His mother
· The prophet (*)
· King Herod
19) The prophecy said the baby would be named “Emmanuel”. What does this mean? (Matthew)
· God is with us (*)
· Son of God
· Everlasting Love
20) When Joseph awoke, what did he do that the angel told him to do? (Matthew)
· Go back to sleep
· Marry Mary (*)
· Get on to Bethlehem
21) What did Mary wrap her baby in once he was born? (Luke)
· A nice warm sweater
· Lots of hay
· Bands of cloth (*)
22) Why did they have to stay in the manger? (Luke)
· Couldn’t afford the inn
· No room for them in the inn (*)
· The inn didn’t allow newborn babies

A Volunteer Adds:

Insert several "Create a Comment" question cards that occur during the quiz. When a "create a comment" card is revealed, the team must come up with a COMMENT about the MEANING of Jesus' Birth, NOT a detail. Use these to promote thoughts towards life application.

A lesson written by Steve Lindsley, St. Elmo's Choir

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Mary's Baby Shower

Creating a "Baby Book" for Jesus
and holding a Baby Shower for Mary.

Includes a game and Baby Gift Mission Activity!

The students each got to work either together or on their own assembling a baby book for Jesus. I brought in baby items from today and asked the student what the may have represented from the story of Jesus birth. Then I asked them if they had ever looked at their baby books? Most of them had, (Next time I would bring in a couple of baby books for them to look at). But they had fun with deciding what Jesus might have weighed, what Jesus parents did for a living. We keep them realistic as to what a baby might normally weigh today and how long the baby was. We had them look up passages in the bible for Jesus first travel (to the temple where he met Simeon and Anna), who was present at his birth, his first visitors (the shepherds).

It was a great time had by all, they didn't what to leave that morning. It all started as we would work on one together as a class but in the end, they all wanted one to take home. (I haven't had students want to take home- work from Sunday School in a long time). They all thought the idea was cool and we had some great discussion with the whole aspect of the Christmas story.

 EDIT:  Include a "gift wrapping time" to wrap up Baby Gifts for the local women's shelter (onesies, diapers, clothes, bibs, etc)

Here are some of the questions I asked the kids for Jesus' baby book.

Our Baby Book
Babys name:
Jesus' Nicknames:
Time of birth: (Including "the times he was born into")
Color of Hair:
Color of Eyes:

My mother
My mother's name:
Her birthday:
She was born in:
Grow up in:
Her job:
The day she heard she was going to have a baby: (Luke 1:26-33)
What she "pondered" when I was born:

My Father
My father's name
His birthday:
He was born in:
Grow up in:
His job:
What he was thinking when I was born:
The day he heard I was going to be born: (Matthew 1:18)

Who was present at my birth?

My Record of Firsts
(Here we just talked about the typical ages that children may do this and then ask them what they think about when Jesus would have done it)

What makes me so peaceful and able to sleep through the night:
What makes me smile:
What I think is funny and makes me laugh:
Who I rolled over to see when they came in with gifts:
First Word:
First Steps:

Favorites foods:
Favorite Bible verse:
Favorite Toy(s):
Favorite Scroll: Book(s):
Favorite Birth Song(s):

When I was 8 days old, my first trip was too? (Luke 2:22)

There was a special man and woman at the temple that day, who where they? (Luke 2: 25; 2:36)

What my neighborhood was like:
Friends and Relatives we visited?
Who made laws at the time of my birth? (Luke 2:1)
Who was governor of Syria at the time of my birth? (Luke2:2)

My first visitors were: (Luke 2:16)
These visitors found me where? (Luke 2:16)
What advice was given to my parents about me:

Our Dreams for you:

When I was about 2 years old, I had special visitors from the East who brought gifts:
(Matthew 2: 11)

Through these special visitors came a fright to my parents so we moved to: (Matthew 2:14-16)

You were special because:

What your father in heaven has to say about you:

Things I hope for your future:

My prayer for you:


Baby Shower Games:

After completing the Baby Book Activity Above...throw a "Baby Shower for Mary".

Begin by having the kids WRAP Baby gifts for your local women's shelter or women's ministry. When they are done, play one or two of any number of widely available "Baby Shower Games" that women enjoy playing at showers.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Examples of Baby Shower Games:

Make a Name for Baby:
Write the names of Mary, Joseph & God on the board and have students come up with names for the new baby with letters from all their names. The winner can be based on the funniest name, or whoever comes up with the most names.

Cotton Ball Scoop
Get two large bowls and fill one up with cotton balls.
The guest is blind folded and tries with a heavy metal spoon or ladle to try and get as many cotton balls from one bowl to the other. It's actually very hard because all you feel is the weight of the spoon! The guest who scooped up the most cotton balls into the second bowl wins.

Baby Price is Right
Objective: Play just like the TV show only with baby items.
Needed: Several baby items and their respective prices

Rules: Just like TV, purchase several baby items and keep the receipt. Have the items out for the guests to see, and have them write down what the price of each item. The one closest without going over to the actual price wins.

Close by discussing who we are giving these baby gifts to, why they need our help, and how giving such gifts is what Christmas is all about....being a blessing to the world BECAUSE WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED.

Blest be the Tie the binds. Smile

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

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