Exchange Volunteer notes: This post on the vine and the branches was moved here to combine it with this topic. It was originally posted in response to the following question:
Originally posted by bloomingidiot:
We are doing the Rotation for the vine and branches and need lesson material for art, cooking, movie, drama etc. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Resulting Brainstorms:
1. Game/Computer
Memory verse work can be done as a game of unscrambling the words. Write them on 4x6 cards and have teams compete for quickness. You can also do this as a computer game using Cal & Marty's Scripture Memory Game. This software is FREE to supporting members!
Check it out.
2. Science
I'm brainstorming here an idea that gets to the concept of the "connectedness" of vines and branches, and demonstrating how something withers when it's cut off.
I'm thinking science experiment using simple green bell wire, switches, batteries, and various bells, buzzers and small lights and fans. All of this electrical kit stuff can be found online (or radioshack). What happens when we're not connected? When we're burnt out? When someone cuts us off from the source?
For even more memorable fun, you could do this with other types of "vines" too.... such as a water hose. What in your life might "kink" that line you are trying to keep with God?
You can also reverse the process and show how to "make connections to God" (using a battery/bell or water).
Important theological point: Jesus is the one who first makes the connection to us. We are called to respond. So for example, in your demonstration you could "have Jesus make the connection from the battery to the bell" ....but then discuss how we "mute" the response of our bell that Jesus has wired us to. How do we not share? All sorts of potential discussion with all these connections and bells!
This is all analogy-led demonstration that the teacher and kids do to "make some connections." Teacher talks about various life scenarios and demonstrates them certain things cut us off or connect us to God.
Then the kids can make their own "take home" device hooked to a battery and showing the verse "cut off from me you can do nothing." I love this idea and project!