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These software programs can be downloaded for free by our Supporting Members. Learn more.

Notes About the Four Programs in This Group

The following three programs are all a little different from each other and from the other programs from Sunday Software.

  1. Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game is a verse "unscrambler" and features a Verse Editor which allows an adult or student to create scripture verse scramble games with a three-question quiz about any scripture you want. 

  2. bongo-iconBongo Loves the Bible has eight game-y games "about" the Bible, including Basic Bible Knowledge quizzes and a Books of the Bible challenge  -- all set in a 3D style game landscape through which the kids navigate "Bongo."

  3. Let's Talk is a unique "respond-using-the-computer" tool that utilizes the computer's ability to speak whatever the kids type. Be sure to read its guide.

  4. Fall of Jericho is a Quiz Making and Quiz Game "themed" on a race from Egypt to Jericho. This versatile game has been a fixture in Sunday Software's catalog for many years. It was donated for use by our supporting members by its owner, Mike Gale.

Cal and Marty, Bongo, and Jericho can easily be used at home or in class, whereas Let's Talk is more of a classroom tool. All of them can be used in a single or multiple PC setting. All four of these programs require the ability to read, and thus are best suited for grades 3 and up.

For supporting members...

Downloading. Installing, Sharing

To download a zip file containing the software, click the Download Link in the program's description below.

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Some of the program zips are stored on a Google Drive. When you click those you will be taken to the Google Drive account where you will then need to click the download icon (see menu bar on Google Drive) to initiate the download. Other program zips are stored here at and will download immediately when you click the download link on our page.

You may get a "security warning" about downloading or installing files that contain "exe" setup files from an "unknown" publisher. No worries, that's just Windows playing it safe. Click "continue" or "details" in those messages to continue.

To install the software, "unzip" (unpack/extract) the downloaded file to a folder on your PC and execute the "setup" or "install" file to install the software to your PC. Be sure to view the other docs in the zip file, especially the "README" file.

Due to access permissions, if you want to share these software programs with a teacher or church family, you will need to share your downloaded zip file either by uploading the zip file to your own online storage or by sharing the zip file on a USB memory drive. Links may not be publicly posted.

Need help? Go to our Software and Teaching Tech Help Desk

These programs are being shared free-of-charge with the supporting members of and their congregations by Sunday Software. Learn more.


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  • bongo-icon
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm
Original Post

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Software: Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game

Link to the Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1
Teacher's Guide and Tech Notes (also included in the download)
Updated Tech Note (attached below)

Cal and Marty can be used with any scripture verse or passage in any translation because YOU or your STUDENTS input your content through the game's easy-to-use Verse Editor, then play a scrambling game with them. (Inputting the verses is part of the memory process!)

Here are a couple of lesson posts at which reference using "Cal and Marty."


Software Description:
Cal and Marty is a fun memory verse game that lets you or your students input whatever verses you want to work on in whatever translation you prefer, and turns them into a fun "verse scramble game." You also have the option to add a teaching comment in the game and a three-question quiz with each verse. The game includes a score tracker and other unique features.

As you can see in the above logo, "Cal and Marty" are none other than John Calvin and Marty Luther the famous reformers. They humorously appear "biovirtually" onscreen throughout the games to encourage students. They also host a short optional learning activity about themselves and the Protestant Reformation.

Ideally used with individuals and small groups at one or multiple computer stations, the game can also be presented on a large screen to a group by a teacher where the scrambles are solved by individuals taking turns or the whole group.

Age Range: Optimally grades 2 and up. However, many of today's 1st graders can read simple verses or identify words well enough to unscramble your simple verses. As with all younger users, assistance is key. The built-in Verse Editor does require the ability to read and follow simple instructions and early readers will appreciate help.

System: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, and 11.  Tech Notes are found in the attached Guide and in the "readme" file installed with the program. A 2024 Tech Note has been attached below to this post.

Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge.IGNORE the installation screen restrictions. You now have permission to install the program on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.

Extended Description:

Be sure to view the game guide's technical notes, especially the ones about increasing the size of Cal and Marty's window to fill more of your monitor, and quickly correcting a "talking head" animation problem should it occur.

Screenshot of the Verse Scramble Game screen with notes.


Screenshot of the Verse Editor


Screenshot of the "Select Verse" options menu


View a short video clip showing some of the game's screens.


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  • CalMartySoftwareLogo
  • verse-screen
  • select
  • scramble
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Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Software: Bongo Loves the Bible

Link to the Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1

Bongo's Game Guide (also included in the download) Includes game maps. Additional "helps" can be found in the download's Help folder.

Lessons at that use this software:

Bongo Loves the Bible is one of Sunday Software's most beloved games. It features 8 different games "about the Bible" set in a jungle, cave, and canyon landscape through which students navigate "Bongo" the Bible-loving orangutan. It's games include: "Basic Bible Knowledge" quiz-games, a game about "What is the Bible and Why Do We Need It," "Books of the Bible," and "How the Bible Came to Be,"


Age Range: Grade 3 to 8. Bongo is a computer "video" game with Bible content and occasionally challenging game-y gameplay. It requires the ability to follow instructions, solve puzzles (such as figuring out which direction to avoid being rock-rolled and how to jump from one book to another). Scripture pop-ups and other messages pop up to reward, encourage, teach, and direct, thus players need to be able to read. The "Knows the Bible" game was designed for students with some basic knowledge or interest in the Bible, and will also serve as a fun way to gauge how well your students know their Bible basics.

System: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, and 11.


Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.




Players collect bonus items during and at the end of each game to improve their score. Answering all questions correctly in the Bongo "Knows" the four Bible knowledge games is required to complete the game and they can try as many time as needed. Fewer tries = higher score!  Player names and scores for all the games are recorded on a scoreboard seen at the end of each game.

Tip: Press Alt+S to save your progress in a game. Press Alt+S to load a previously saved game and continue where you left off. The saved game screen only shows images of where in the game you were when you pressed save. To help kids later remember which image (saved location) is theirs, have them write down which "slot" they saved their game to (such as: "third row, second image").  See more game play tips in the Guide!!


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  • bongo-newlogo
  • Bongo-Bananas
  • mceclip1
  • b-jesus
  • mceclip0
  • BongoBooks
  • BongoNeedsGems
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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Software: Let's Talk

Link to the Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1
Guide to Let's Talk  (a version is also included in the download)

Lessons at that use this software:

  • Because Let's Talk can be used with virtually any Bible passage or study, it is mentioned in numerous computer workshop forums across our site. View the included GUIDE to Let's Talk for several ways to use the program.
  • This Philippians 2:5-11 lesson plan at uses Let's Talk to play a scripture condensing technique called "How Few Can You Do."


  • Let's Talk is a "discussion starting" utility that taps into your computer's ability to speak out loud whatever your students type. The program has several ways for students to create a response and play them for others to hear, all of which involved creating their own onscreen character to speak their words.

    "Talk Now" is the most popular module in Let's Talk. In it, a student creates a character and types what the character will say in response to a question posed by the teacher. Then the teacher asks students to play their response for all to hear.  In the "Create a New Lesson" module, a teacher or student creates a simple spoken presentation about a passage that can include a 3 question quiz and discussion questions to be answered by other students or the class.

    Let's Talk is also a popular utility program to play a scripture "condensing" game called "How Few Can You Do" which gets students to think about the "most essential" words/concepts in a passage.  Details are in the Let's Talk Guide.


Age Range:  Let's Talk requires rudimentary typing and basic sentence writing skills for most uses. Non and early readers can use it with help and will enjoy hearing their character speak their words to others.

System: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, and 11. You may need to install the Microsoft Speech App (SAPI), copies of which are included with the program in a folder.

Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.


Students can create a character to make speak aloud whatever they type.

Let's Talk's "Talk Now" module can also be used to "voice" prayers at the end of the lesson.



In the "Build a Lesson" module, students (or the teacher) can create a simple presentation hosted by their character who can share a passage and insights, and then present a three question quiz about the passage for other students to answers, then they can answer discussion questions created by the student.


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  • lets-talk-main-screen
  • lrts-talk-build-your-character
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  • lets-talk-build-a-lesson-quiz
  • lets-talk-sample-how-few-can-you-do
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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Software: "Fall of Jericho" Quiz Game and Quiz Making program

Link to the Downloadable Zip File

mceclip1The zip includes the Install-Jericho file, an important README file, and a copy of the Guide.

Guide to Jericho -- teaching guide, install helps, and tech tips (also included in the download)

Fall of Jericho is a quiz game "THEMED" on a race from Egypt to Jericho about ANY SUBJECT you want to create questions about. First one to get there gets to knock down the walls. Players walk through a number of animated "Exodus-Sinai" scenes advancing as they answer correctly. Though it comes with 1400 Bible questions of varying degrees of difficulty, Jericho software's main claim to fame is its easy-to-use Question Editor. The editor lets you create your own question sets about any story or subject you have been teaching. You can add comments to each question that appear once it is answered. The teaching guide shares a number of question-building and gameplay strategies.


fall-of-jericho-game-play-optionsUp to four teams can play at one time. A variety of game options let you do things like play a "shorter/faster" game, display questions randomly or sequentially, and let the "next team" answer if the previous team answers incorrectly.

Age Range: Any age student with help and with the right question set geared toward the player's level. Optimally designed for those who can read. Great for youth and adult groups. Plug in your laptop to a big screen tv or projector and you have a Bible Game Show!

System: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, and 11. Be sure to see the tech tip in the Guide for making this program fill more of your screen.

Lessons at that use the Jericho software:

Many lessons that reference software here at reference "Fall of Jericho" for its quiz-making ability. Its built-in question editor lets you make your own quiz games about any subject. The following lessons at INCLUDE a downloadable file of quiz questions you can install into Jericho (and edit).

  • Joshua - a single question set that covers the following 3 stories: Rabah/2 Spies, Crossing of the Jordan/Stones, Fall of Jericho.
  • The Writing Team's Lord's Prayer computer lesson includes a 25 question Jericho file about the Lord's Prayer and its meaning.
  • The Lion of Judah Movie lesson set has a computer lesson that includes a set of questions that quizzes students about the movie.
  • The Writing Team's Peter Do You Love Me? Computer Workshop.
  • Nicodemus - Unlike many Bible lessons where you start first with the Bible Study and then quiz them, in this lesson, the kids will use Fall of Jericho software to take a quiz about the story BEFORE you have explained it to them. The questions and answers will teach the meaning behind the vocab/concepts. When they get an answer right, the game will tell them the WORDS to fill in to their scripture worksheet. First team to complete the scripture worksheet wins.
  • Solomon's Wisdom and Temple - includes a single question set that covers both the story of Solomon's Wisdom and the Temple.
  • Road to Emmaus - Lesson states there are 26 questions that are “medium” or “hard” that are intended for the older children. At the end of that set are 25 more questions that are “easy.”
  • Ark of the Covenant/Tabernacle - includes two review questions sets that can be used at the end of a rotation: 1) Moses review Baby to Mt. Sinia and 2) Ten Commandments and Tabernacle.
  • Easter Quiz Set - that covers the whole story. The question set needs about 5 to 10 more questions added to it (using the Jericho question editor), and if you're covering a particular story on Easter, example: Palm Sunday, you could write several questions focusing on that story.
  • Ruth - 34 question set that reviews the entire story.

Permissions: This program is being made available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.

Our thanks to Mike Gale at Sonsoft for donating this program for use by our supporting members!

fall-of-jericho-question-editorScreenshot of the Question Editor





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  • Jericho-Scene
  • fall-of-jericho-game-play-options
  • fall-of-jericho-question-editor
  • Jer-3
  • Jer-2
  • Jer-5
  • Jer-4
  • Jer-1
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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

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