"Moses and Me Upholding the Ten Commandments" An art lesson about the Ten Commandments from the Rotation.org Writing Team Summary: Participants will create an aluminum foil sculpture of themselves "upholding" the Ten Commandments (like Moses) to make, remember, and reflect on the Commandments they commit to "uphold" and live by. Why foil sculpture? Foil sculpture is a great "art" medium because it easily and quickly allows each student to visually and memorably express their understanding of...
Welcome to the Writing Team's Ten Commandments Lesson Set!
Everyone can read the Bible Background (which also doubles as a group Bible study) and the Lesson Summaries. The lesson plans themselves are open to our amazing Supporting Members who make this site possible. Join today
Special Note: These lesson plans have been written for both at-home and in-class use. They are more broadly-graded, and a bit simpler and shorter for families than typical "WT" lessons written for teachers. Each lesson plan is also available as a PDF that you can share with members of your congregation.