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Exodus lessons and ideas: Red Sea Crossing, Sinai Wilderness, Tabernacle, Spies

This forum has Sunday School lessons and ideas for the stories of Crossing the Red Sea, Wandering in the Wilderness (Bitter Water, Manna, Water from Rock, and other stories about the journey to the Promised Land (such as The Spies, the Tabernacle) found in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Topics are organized by teaching media: arts and crafts, video, drama, puppets, software, cooking (foods), games, music, and more. Glean what you need, share what you can.

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The Rotation modelers who created this site focus on teaching the "major" stories of the Bible, and thus, not every possible story or verse will be found here. If you need help with a specific story and don't find it here, post your request in our Teachers Lounge!

Our Moses and Pharaoh forum also has suggestions for the Red Sea story. The story of the Ten Commandments has its own forum.

Everyone can read the lesson summaries and Bible Background for our Writing Team's  Exodus: Through Water and Wilderness lesson set. It creatively covers the Red Sea Crossing, Bitter Waters, Manna, and Water from the Rock stories.

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